Options should be set in init
Notimatica.push(['init', {
project: 'PROJECT_ID',
subdomain: 'SUBDOMAIN',
debug: true,
{.table .table-bordered .table-striped}
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
project |
String | null |
Your project UUID Required |
subdomain |
String | null |
Subdomain to handle HTTP fallback |
debug |
Boolean | false |
Send debug messages to the console |
tags |
Array | [] |
Additional set of tags for the user |
autoSubscribe |
Boolean | false |
Do you want to start subscription process right after page load. For HTTP sites always false . |
usePopup |
Boolean | false |
Force subscribing via HTTP fallback popup. For HTTP sites always true |
popup |
Object | { height: 450, width: 550 } |
HTTP fallback popup options. Height and width in pixels |
plugins |
Object | {} |
Map of plugins to enable and their options |
strings |
Object | {} |
Map of localization strings. Mainly used when you want to localize string from plugins |
defaultLocale |
String | 'en' |
Default locale to use |
matchExactUrl |
Boolean | true |
URL comparison strategy for opening new tab on notification click |
webhooks |
Object | {} |
Map of webhooks to push for multiple notifications events |
webhooksCors |
Boolean | false |
If your webhooks support CORS requests |
emulate |
Boolean | false |
Subscribing and unsubscribing will be emulated and will be successful |