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File metadata and controls

29 lines (26 loc) · 1.58 KB

JavaScript SDK Options

Options should be set in init function.

Notimatica.push(['init', {
  project: 'PROJECT_ID',
  subdomain: 'SUBDOMAIN',
  debug: true,

{.table .table-bordered .table-striped}

Name Type Default value Description
project String null Your project UUID Required
subdomain String null Subdomain to handle HTTP fallback
debug Boolean false Send debug messages to the console
tags Array [] Additional set of tags for the user
autoSubscribe Boolean false Do you want to start subscription process right after page load. For HTTP sites always false.
usePopup Boolean false Force subscribing via HTTP fallback popup. For HTTP sites always true
popup Object { height: 450, width: 550 } HTTP fallback popup options. Height and width in pixels
plugins Object {} Map of plugins to enable and their options
strings Object {} Map of localization strings. Mainly used when you want to localize string from plugins
defaultLocale String 'en' Default locale to use
matchExactUrl Boolean true URL comparison strategy for opening new tab on notification click
webhooks Object {} Map of webhooks to push for multiple notifications events
webhooksCors Boolean false If your webhooks support CORS requests
emulate Boolean false Subscribing and unsubscribing will be emulated and will be successful