Releases: OPSILab/Idra
Releases · OPSILab/Idra
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v2.0.1)
- Fix: Idra automatically tests catalogue's host protocol (http/https) on federation or synchronization errors.
- Fix: Idra, on CKAN catalogue federation, manages its api with or without the explicit /3/ version on path
- Fix: If not present, Idra's CKAN client now adds the license id compliant with CKAN definitions.
- Fix: Idra portal - removed target="_blank" on several links on dataset's detail page
- Fix: Idra portal - fixed error on english translation
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v.2.0.0):
- New feature: Implemented explicit Sitemap validation in the WebScraper.
- Fix: Refactored and cleaned DCAT-AP Dump se/deserialization in general according to the EU DCAT-AP validator
- Fix: Fixed DCAT Catalogue publisher serialization
- Fix: Now DCAT Serializator uses Range to create typed Resources where needed from the single DCATProperty
- Fix: Fixed documentation and landingPage fetching in the WebConnector
- Fix: Fixed bug when federating via API a Catalogue with no image.
- Fix: Idra portal - accessUrl/downloadUrl visualization
- Fix: Idra portal - License Uri visualization
- Idra Sitemap Creator: Plugin Release 2.0.1 available here
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v.1.3.1):
- New Feature: Implementation of CKAN API
- New Feature: Provisioning of RESTful version of Idra API
- New Feature: Support for Idra "Sitemap Creator" Chrome plugin
- Fix: various bugs fixed on open data connectors and IDM compatibility
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v.1.3.0):
- Fix: Idm Login #34
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v.1.2.0):
- New Feature: Added Distribution Preview for CSV, JSON, PDF, XML, GEOJSON and KML files
- New Feature: Added Statistics section about catalogues, distribution formats and licenses
- Fix: Minor fix for DCATDumpConnector
- New Feature: Support for OpenDataSoft Catalogues
- New Feature: Support for Junar Catalogues
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v.1.1.0):
- New Feature: Support for StatPortal OpenData (SPOD) portals
- New Feature: Idra portal - Multilanguage support (EN,IT)
- New Feature: Idra portal - Updated portal graphics and added “Help” section
- New Feature: Idra portal - added mobile support
- Fix: Docker-compose bug fixed
Full documentation at:
Changelog: (since v.1.0.0):
- Fix: Feature request: add link in images categories (#1)
- Fix: DUMP federation/synchronization bugs for TURTLE format
- Fix: Theme/Subject deserialization when prefLabel is not present.
- New Feature: add a different permalink for every dataset (#2).
- Fix: RDF's insertion during federation bug fixed.
- Fix: The list of federated catalogues, shown on the portal, is wrong. (#6).
- New Feature: Integration of the Keyrock Fiware IdM as authentication method (#5)
- New Feature: Support for ORION Context Broker (#4) and for SPARQL endpoints.
- Fix: Solr deletion of FOAFAgent entities fixed.
- New Feature: Support for Docker installation (DockerFile and Docker Compose).