Targetcli target iSCSI role which takes care of installing targetcli, enabling it on boot and configuring it based on the provided variable from ansible.
NOTE: Modules used by this module were separated into role OndrejHome.targetcli-modules
This role is not creating any disks/partitions/LVs. It is expected that they are already present on machine or created by some other role.
To configure the iSCSI target, the following nested variable is used which defines how the configuration should look like.
- wwn: ''
- path: '/dev/c7vg/LV1'
name: 'test1'
type: 'block'
- path: '/dev/c7vg/LV2'
name: 'test2'
type: 'block'
- ''
- ''
Install and configure targetcli server with 2 exported luns under one WWN for 2 specified initiators.
- hosts: servers
- { role: 'OndrejHome.targetcli' }
- wwn: ''
- path: '/dev/c7vg/LV1'
name: 'test1'
type: 'block'
- path: '/dev/c7vg/LV2'
name: 'test2'
type: 'block'
- ''
- ''
This role can be also used in combination with OndrejHome.iscsiadm that from v2
can install needed utilities and determine the initiator WWN that can be supplied for this role as shown below. Note that group
containing the initiators in example below is named cluster
and you should adjust it for your inventory.
- hosts: cluster
- { role: 'OndrejHome.iscsiadm' }
- hosts: storage
- { role: 'OndrejHome.targetcli' }
- wwn: ''
- path: '/dev/c7vg/LV1'
name: 'test1'
type: 'block'
initiators: "[ {% for host in groups['cluster'] %} '{{ hostvars[host][\"iscsi_initiator_name\"] }}', {% endfor %} ]"
You can even later instruct the nodes to connect to target created here.
- hosts: cluster
- { role: 'OndrejHome.iscsiadm', iscsi_target_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['storage'][0]]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}" }
Please note that SLES 15.x / openSUSE Leap 15.x only ship with python3 installed by default.
To avoid the ansible warning for the discovered python interpreter, add a line like the following to your inventory: ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3
This role fails on hosts running SuSEfirewall2, as this cannot be configured by ansible. Either stop and disable the service (not recommended), or manually open port 3260/tcp and set the variable ignore_sles12_firewall_configuration
to True.
This role was tested to not work on SLES 11, if anyone is interested in getting this to work a PR for adding support is welcome - for more details refer to PR #4.
To get in touch with author you can use email [email protected] or create a issue on github when requesting some feature.