- Parameter status aanpassen
- Aanpassingen voor de nakende gemeentefusies (#258)
- Backend upgrade. (#252)
- Filtering op status toelaten (#254)
- Set x-api-key on all requests (#248)
- Fix None rendering as string
- Homoniemen toevoegen bij straten (#238)
- Gateway terugplaatsen na serializen
- Gateway niet langer cachen (#232)
- Foute lijst van deelgemeenten gebruikt (#225)
- Limiet van list op 1000 items (#221)
- get percelen timeout (#217)
- Adressenregister bugfixes
- uniformiseer alles naar niscodes en check dat alle niscodes strings zijn (#208)
- errors checken en fine tunen (#209)
- Lijst gemeenten statisch maken (#203)
- Naar v2 van adressenregister (#185)
- File wordt niet geclosed (#133)
- black, flake8, python2 weg en pre-commit (#195)
- Uitbreidingen aan adressenregister model (#192)
- pip install van crabpy installeert ook een "tests" met alle data van crabpy (#165)
- Add user agent header to geo.api calls (#190)
- Overschakelen naar nieuwe AGIV services (#183)
- Methode list_straten kan meer data laden (#172)
- Bounding box geeft strings ipv floats (#168)
- Verwijderen python 2 support (#160)
- Vervangen suds-jurko door suds-py (#160)
- Upgraden requirements
- Adres toegevoegd aan Perceel (#147)
- Switchen naar v2 van de capakey REST-API (#120)
- Mocken van calls naar externe url's bij testen (#118)
- get_perceel_by_coordinates (#121)
- Update deelgemeenten (#110, #116)
- Fix travis tests (#112)
- Update dependencies
- Capakey service: change source base map (#95)
- Capakey service: return full geometry (#96)
- Remove the deprecated CapakeyGateway (#92)
- Fix some unit tests.
- Update some dependencies
- Configure pyup
- Add zope.deprecation to setup.py #76
- Upgrade capakey rest service #78
- Updated center and bounding box format in responses of the CapakeyRestGateway in accordance with the CapakeyGateway (#73).
- Added a CapakeyRestGateway that uses the new Capakey REST service provided by Informatie Vlaanderen. (#45, #53)
- Deprecate Capakey SOAP gateway (#69)
- Fix a bug with list_huisnummers_by_perceel. (#67)
- Dropped support for Python 3.3 and added support for Python 3.6.
- Add official support for python 3.5
- Implement list_huisnummers_by_perceel. (#56)
- Implement get_postadres_by_huisnummer and get_postadres_by_subadres. (#57)
- A a property Perceel.postadressen to get the postadressen for a certain Perceel. (#58)
- Implement a Deelgemeente object and list_deelgemeenten, list_deelgemeenten_by_gemeente and get_deelgemeente_by_id. (#63)
- Implement operations dealing with Adrespositie. (#37) [TalissaJoly]
- Improve the coverage. (#39) [TalissaJoly]
- Fix a bug with objects that have an empty bounding box. (#46) [TalissaJoly]
- Better handling of unexisting objects. (#49) [TalissaJoly]
- Switch tests to py.test. (#19) [TalissaJoly]
- Implement operations dealing with Subadres. This deals with things like postboxes in appartment complexes. (#34) (#40) [TalissaJoly]
- Drop support for python 3.2 (#36)
- Fix a bug with crab.list_aardsubadressen. (#38)
- Fix an issue with CRAB Gateway list operations that contain no results. Previously these triggered an error, now they return an empty list. (#33)
- Clean up CHANGES.rst so it works on pypi again.
- Fix an issues with pickling in list_gemeente_by_provincie.
- Removed the sort parameter from list_gemeenten_by_provincie since it didn't work anyway.
- Added a bounding box to a CRAB Straat. (#26)
- Added a bounding box to a CRAB Huisnummer. (#27)
- Added a Provincie object. (#31)
- Fix hardcoded url in client.py. (#25)
- Optimise lazy loading of capakey Gemeente. (#21)
- Optimise lazy loading of capakey Afdeling. (#22)
- General lazy loading optimisations.
- Some slight changes to CRAB lazy loading. (#24)
- Added some debugging calls to allow an implementing application to track what calls are being made.
- A Gebouw loaded through the crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway.get_gebouw_by_id was not passed a crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway. (#15)
- Always load a full crabpy.gateway.crab.Metadata object when returning from a get*_by_id method. (#13)
- Add a wegobjecten property to a crabpy.gateway.crab.Straat. (#17)
- Add a wegsegmenten property to a crabpy.gateway.crab.Straat. (#18)
- Added support for Coveralls. (#16)
- Fixed a bug with lazy loading a Perceel's capatype or cashkey. (#8)
- Removes duplicates from a list of gemeentes as returned by CRAB. (#10)
- Removed loading a Gemeente with an afdeling to speed up certain queries. (#7)
- Removed a few unneeded requests in the capakey gateway when working with Gemeente.id or Afdeling.id.
- Fixed printing of objects through the __str__ method on python 2.7. (#9)
- Adapted examples for python 3 print. (#11)
- Added a Gateway <crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway> for the Crab webservice.
- Added caching to the Crab Gateway using Dogpile
- Document how to connect to the services through a proxy.
- Fix an incomplete release.
- Added a Gateway <crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyGateway> for the Capakey webservice.
- Added caching to the Capakey Gateway using Dogpile
- Better test coverage. Ability to skip integration tests.
- Added some documentation.
- Removed a dependency for resolving UsernameDigestTokens. This in term removed the original suds from the dependency chain.
- Due to removing those dependencies, compatibility with Python 3.2 and 3.3 is now present.
- Initial release
- A working client for the CRAB webservice.
- A working client for the CapaKey webservice.