It's a experimental backend boilerplate for node
Aims to create ground-basis/examples for
Loose coupled modules that could be converted to standalone app (Micro-service 101)
Pluggable logging module
Implementation of authentication (JWT)
Strategy for
Building and deploying app (Docker/docker-compose)
Scaling (Loadbalancing, caching etc)
Consistent contributions (Linters/Prettiers)
git clone
cd scalable-node/src
npm ci
npm run dev
Starts development server at localhost:3000
npm run debug
Starts debugging with Inspector
npm run lint
Run Eslint to find out linting issues.
npm run test
Run Jest to run tests.
npm run test:watch
Run Jest to run tests on watch mode.
npm run test:debug
Run Jest tests with Inspector
npm run test:coverage
Run Istanbul for test coverage report
cd scalable-node/src
cp .env.example .env
npm run start
cd scalable-node
docker build -t scalable-node_src:1.0 .
docker run --publish 3000:3000 scalable-node_src:1.0
With docker-compose (Multiple instance, nginx, mongoDB)
cd scalable-node
docker build -t scalable-node_src:1.0 .
docker-compose up