diff --git a/data/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/armor_masters_handbook/amh_abilities_class.lst b/data/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/armor_masters_handbook/amh_abilities_class.lst index 5d770c23fc9..7d7c034feed 100644 --- a/data/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/armor_masters_handbook/amh_abilities_class.lst +++ b/data/pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/armor_masters_handbook/amh_abilities_class.lst @@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ Trip Training KEY:Molthuni Defender ~ Trip CATEGORY:Special Ability # Magus Archetype ~ Armored Battlemage # ============================== -Armored Battlemage KEY:Magus Archetype ~ Armored Battlemage CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.MagusArchetype PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Magus Archetype ~ Armored Battlemage],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Magus_Archetype_SpellCombat=True,Magus_Archetype_MediumArmorProficiency=True,Magus_Archetype_ArcanePool=True,Magus_Archetype_Arcana3=True,Magus_Archetype_Arcana18=True,Magus_Archetype_ImprovedSpellCombat=True,Magus_Archetype_HeavyArmorProficiency=True,Magus_Archetype_GreaterSpellCombat=True] DESC:Many battlemages focus purely on destructive evocations, but some extend their tactical studies to include use of the tried-and-true protection of steel. These armored battlemages learn to move and cast spells in even the most restrictive armors, and have developed new methods to magically enhance their armor. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Medium Armor|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Arcane Pool|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Armor Training|PRECLASS:1,Magus=3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Magus ~ Heavy Armor|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Expanded Arcane Pool|PRECLASS:1,Magus=14 COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.4 FACT:Magus_Archetype_SpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_MediumArmorProficiency|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_ArcanePool|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_Arcana3|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_Arcana18|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_ImprovedSpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_HeavyArmorProficiency|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_GreaterSpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_CF_SpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_CF_Arcana3|true FACT:Magus_CF_Arcana18|true FACT:Magus_CF_ImprovedSpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_CF_GreaterSpellCombat|true BONUS:VAR|MagusArmorProficiencyLVL|6 BONUS:VAR|MagusHeavyArmorText|-6 BONUS:VAR|MagusMediumArmorText|-6 +Armored Battlemage KEY:Magus Archetype ~ Armored Battlemage CATEGORY:Archetype TYPE:Archetype.MagusArchetype PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Archetype,Magus Archetype ~ Armored Battlemage],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Magus_Archetype_SpellCombat=True,Magus_Archetype_MediumArmorProficiency=True,Magus_Archetype_ArcanePool=True,Magus_Archetype_Arcana3=True,Magus_Archetype_Arcana18=True,Magus_Archetype_ImprovedSpellCombat=True,Magus_Archetype_HeavyArmorProficiency=True,Magus_Archetype_GreaterSpellCombat=True] DESC:Many battlemages focus purely on destructive evocations, but some extend their tactical studies to include use of the tried-and-true protection of steel. These armored battlemages learn to move and cast spells in even the most restrictive armors, and have developed new methods to magically enhance their armor. ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Medium Armor|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Arcane Pool|PRECLASS:1,Magus=1 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Armor Training|PRECLASS:1,Magus=3 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Magus ~ Heavy Armor|PRECLASS:1,Magus=7 ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armored Battlemage ~ Expanded Arcane Pool|PRECLASS:1,Magus=14 COST:0 SOURCEPAGE:p.4 FACT:Magus_Archetype_SpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_MediumArmorProficiency|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_ArcanePool|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_Arcana3|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_Arcana18|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_ImprovedSpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_HeavyArmorProficiency|true FACT:Magus_Archetype_GreaterSpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_CF_SpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_CF_Arcana3|true FACT:Magus_CF_Arcana18|true FACT:Magus_CF_ImprovedSpellCombat|true FACT:Magus_CF_GreaterSpellCombat|true BONUS:VAR|MagusArmorProficiencyLVL|6 BONUS:VAR|MagusHeavyArmorText|-6 BONUS:VAR|MagusMediumArmorText|-6 Medium Armor KEY:Armored Battlemage ~ Medium Armor CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.ArmoredBattlemageClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:When wearing medium or heavy armor, the armored battlemage gains a +4 bonus on concentration checks to cast defensively. This stacks with the bonus from the Combat Casting feat. This ability alters the medium armor ability. SOURCEPAGE:p.4 Arcane Pool KEY:Armored Battlemage ~ Arcane Pool CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.ArmoredBattlemageClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:An armored battlemage cannot spend points from his arcane pool to enhance weapons. Instead, he can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant armor he is wearing a +%1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. These bonuses stack with existing armor enhancement bonuses to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.|MagusArcanePoolBonus DESC:These bonuses can be used to add any of the following armor special abilities: balanced, bitter, fortification (heavy, light, or medium), ghost touch, invulnerability, spell resistance (13, 15, 17, or 19), or spell storing. Adding these special abilities consumes an amount of bonus equal to the ability's base price modifier. In addition, the armored battlemage can grant his armor the energy resistance special ability at the cost of a +3 bonus or the improved energy resistance special ability at the cost of a +5 bonus. These special abilities are added to any the armor already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the armor is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other special abilities can be added. These bonuses and special abilities are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the armored battlemage uses this ability.|PRECLASS:1,Magus=5 DESC:These bonuses do not function if the armor is worn by anyone other than the magus. An armored battlemage can enhance only one suit of armor in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends. This ability alters arcane pool. SOURCEPAGE:p.4 Armor Training KEY:Armored Battlemage ~ Armor Training CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.ArmoredBattlemageClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Fighter ~ Armor Training ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Armor Training ~ Heavy Armor|PREVARGTEQ:MagusLVL,7 BONUS:VAR|ArmorTraining|min((MagusLVL+2)/5,4) SOURCEPAGE:p.4 -Heavy Armor KEY:Armored Battlemage ~ Medium Armor CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.ArmoredBattlemageClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:An armored battlemage gains this ability at 7th level instead of 13th. This ability alters heavy armor. +Heavy Armor KEY:Armored Battlemage ~ Heavy Armor CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.ArmoredBattlemageClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary DESC:An armored battlemage gains this ability at 7th level instead of 13th. This ability alters heavy armor. Expanded Arcane Pool KEY:Armored Battlemage ~ Expanded Arcane Pool CATEGORY:Special Ability TYPE:Magus Class Features.ArmoredBattlemageClassFeatures.SpecialQuality.Supernatural DESC:The armored battlemage can grant his armor the glamered special ability at the cost of a +2 bonus, the slick or shadow special ability at the cost of a +3 bonus, and the greater slick or greater shadow special ability at the cost of a +5 bonus when using his arcane pool. SOURCEPAGE:p.4 # ==============================