- Development of viewform and karenina projects no longer opensourced
- Refactor fsm from task model to activation classes
- Generic admin actions for changing tasks state
- Support for view tasks unassign/reassign
- Allow tasks undo and cancel
- Store error information for tasks
- Repository moved to https://github.com/viewflow/
- Form handling moved to separate library
- viewflow.site removed. Pro user still could install it with pip install django-viewflow-site
- Fancy ready to use templates available within Karenina project
- Tasks and Process list views became part of the viewflow library
- Flow urls simplified. Application instance namespaces not used anymore
- Fixed migrations for stable django 1.7
- HTTPS pypi server available for pro users.
- First beta version. First public available release with commercial support and licencing.
- All API that could be imported as from viewflow.some_package import cls_or_function considered stable and not going to be changed much till 1.0 release (except viewflow.site that's still under develpment)
- Django 1.6 support available in public version of viewflow library
- Added task details views
- Custom tag creation simplified
- Split flow base classes to be independed from Django permission system
- Object level permission support for tasks.
- Improved {% flowurl %} tag
- {% flow_perms %} tag for task permission list in template
- Base abstract classes for models
- New video: Viewflow Internals - https://vimeo.com/107698021
- Many improvements on viewsite
- Explicit flow registration on viewsite
- Process details, task and queus views
- Permission base filtering
- New example: custom flow node and dynamic splitting
- Celery dependecy optional and moved to contrib package
- Examples available live at http://examples.viewflow.io
- Started introduction video series - https://vimeo.com/104701259
- Demo and promo available at http://viewflow.io
- Introduced django signals, python functions as flow task
- Improved form rendering, dynamic formset support out of the box
- Refactor viewflow.site to separate app
- Added auto create task permission shortcuts
- Allow to provide process and task description in docstrings
- Started bootstrap based viewflow base site interface
- Bootstrap based custom form redefinable form rendering
- django-extra-views friendly views mixins
- Fix start task owner assigenment
- Task done redirect now points to next flow assigned task if exists
- Flow Start.Activate renamed to .Next in order to be same as flow.View interface
- Back reference for task owner for next tasks assignment
- Auto create for task permissions support
- Basic django admin interace
- Exception handling during flow task activation and for broken celery jobs
- Initial public prototype
- Basic set of tasks support (View, Job, If/Switch, Split/Join)