module Plutarch.Docs.WorkingWithBoundFields (foo, foo', coreValidator) where
import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.DataRepr (HRec, HRecOf, PDataFields, PMemberFields)
import Plutarch.Api.V1 (PTxInfo, PScriptContext)
You may have noticed that pletFields
actually returns a Haskell level heterogenous list, with all the interesting fields
"bound" to it. Only the fields you actually use from these bindings are extracted and put into the resulting script. Therefore,
you only pay for what you use.
pletFields ::
forall fs a s b ps bs.
( PDataFields a
, ps ~ (PFields a)
, bs ~ (Bindings ps fs)
, BindFields ps bs
) =>
Term s a ->
(HRecOf a fs s -> Term s b) ->
Term s b
The real juice of that massive type is the HRecOf
, which is a utility type alias you can use in functions that operate on the return value of pletFields
newtype PFooType s
= PFooType (Term s (PDataRecord '["frst" ':= PInteger, "scnd" ':= PBool, "thrd" ':= PString]))
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (PlutusType, PDataFields)
instance DerivePlutusType PFooType where type DPTStrat _ = PlutusTypeData
foo :: HRecOf (PAsData PFooType) '[ "frst", "scnd" ] s -> Term s PInteger
foo h = pif (getField @"scnd" h) (getField @"frst" h) 0
Note: Be careful to derive
on your type if it has only one constructor
This is very useful for single use functions that you use as "branches" in your validators - they work more like macros or templates rather than real functions. For example, you might have different branches for different constructors of a redeemer, but all branches end up needing to do common field extraction. You could abstract it out using:
data PSomeRedm s
= FirstRedm (Term s (PDataRecord '[]))
| SecondRedm (Term s (PDataRecord '[]))
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (PlutusType, PIsData)
instance DerivePlutusType PSomeRedm where type DPTStrat _ = PlutusTypeData
firstRedmCheck ::
HRecOf PTxInfo '[ "inputs", "outputs", "mint", "datums" ] s
-> TermCont s (Term s PUnit)
firstRedmCheck _info = do
-- Do checks with info fields here.
pure $ pconstant ()
secondRedmCheck ::
HRecOf PTxInfo '[ "inputs", "outputs", "mint", "datums" ] s
-> TermCont s (Term s PUnit)
secondRedmCheck _info = do
-- Do checks with info fields here.
pure $ pconstant ()
coreValidator :: Term s (PData :--> PAsData PSomeRedm :--> PScriptContext :--> PUnit)
coreValidator = plam $ \_ (pfromData -> redm) ctx' -> unTermCont $ do
ctx <- tcont $ pletFields @'["txInfo", "purpose"] ctx'
info <- tcont $ pletFields @'["inputs", "outputs", "mint", "datums"] $ getField @"txInfo" ctx
pmatchC redm >>= \case
FirstRedm _ -> firstRedmCheck info
SecondRedm _ -> secondRedmCheck info
Without it, you may have to fallback to deconstructing info
with pletFields
in every single branch.
However, this is rather nominal. What if you don't need the exact same fields in all
branches? Let's go back to the example with foo
and FooType
. What if someone has:
fooTypeHrec <- tcont $ pletFields @'["frst", "scnd", "thrd"] fooTypeValue
foo fooTypeHrec
-- uh oh
The type required by foo
should morally work just fine with fooTypeHrec
, but it won't!
What we really want, is some sort of row polymorphism. This is where the PMemberFields
from Plutarch.DataRepr
comes in:
foo' :: PMemberFields PFooType '["scnd", "frst"] s as => HRec as -> Term s PInteger
foo' h = pif (getField @"scnd" h) (getField @"frst" h) 0
Now foo
merely requires the HRec
to have the "scnd"
and "frst"
fields from PFooType
, more fields are allowed just fine!