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{-# LANGUAGE QualifiedDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
module Plutarch.Docs.ValidatorExample (alwaysSucceeds, checkSignatory, res', res, alwaysFails) where 

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Api.V1 (PDatum, PRedeemer, PScriptContext)
import Plutarch.Api.V1.Crypto (PPubKeyHash)
import Plutarch.Api.V1.Contexts (PScriptPurpose(PSpending))
import Plutarch.Docs.Run (evalWithArgsT)
import Plutarch.Script (Script)
import qualified PlutusTx
import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudget (ExBudget)
import qualified Plutarch.Monadic as P
import Data.Text (Text)

Examples of validators and minting policies written in Plutarch.

Note: If you spot any mistakes/have any related questions that this guide lacks the answer to, please don't hesitate to raise an issue. The goal is to have high quality documentation for Plutarch users!

Aside: Be sure to check out Compiling and Running first!

Validator that always succeeds

alwaysSucceeds :: Term s (PAsData PDatum :--> PAsData PRedeemer :--> PAsData PScriptContext :--> PUnit)
alwaysSucceeds = plam $ \_datm _redm _ctx -> pconstant ()

All the arguments are ignored.


res' :: Either Text (Script, ExBudget, [Text])
res' = alwaysSucceeds `evalWithArgsT` [PlutusTx.toData (), PlutusTx.toData (), PlutusTx.toData ()]
-- >>> res'
-- Right (Program () (Version () 1 0 0) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf unit ()))))

Validator that always fails

alwaysFails :: Term s (PAsData PDatum :--> PAsData PRedeemer :--> PAsData PScriptContext :--> PUnit)
alwaysFails = plam $ \_datm _redm _ctx -> perror

Similar to the example above.


res :: Either Text (Script, ExBudget, [Text])
res = alwaysFails `evalWithArgsT` [PlutusTx.toData (), PlutusTx.toData (), PlutusTx.toData ()]
-- >>> res 
-- Left (EvaluationError [] "(CekEvaluationFailure,Nothing)")

Validator that checks whether a value is present within signatories

checkSignatory :: Term s (PPubKeyHash :--> PAsData PDatum :--> PAsData PRedeemer :--> PAsData PScriptContext :--> PUnit)
checkSignatory = plam $ \ph _ _ ctx' ->
  ctx <- pletFields @["txInfo", "purpose"] ctx'
  PSpending _ <- pmatch ctx.purpose
  let signatories = pfield @"signatories" # ctx.txInfo
    (pelem # pdata ph # pfromData signatories)
    -- Success!
    (pconstant ())
    -- Signature not present.

Note: The above snippet uses GHC 9 features (QualifiedDo and OverloadedRecordDot). Be sure to check out Do syntax with TermCont and alternatives to OverloadedRecordDot.

We match on the script purpose to see if its actually for spending - and we get the signatories field from txInfo (the 7th field), check if the given pub key hash is present within the signatories and that's it!

It's important that we pass a PPubKeyHash prior to treating checkSignatory as a validator script.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Interval
import qualified PlutusTx

hashStr :: PubKeyHash
hashStr = "abce0f123e"

pubKeyHash :: Term s PPubKeyHash
pubKeyHash = pconstant hashStr

mockCtx :: ScriptContext
mockCtx =
      (interval (POSIXTime 1) (POSIXTime 2))
      [fromString hashStr, "f013", "ab45"]
    (Spending (TxOutRef "" 1))

> evalWithArgsT (checkSignatory # pubKeyHash) [PlutusTx.toData (), PlutusTx.toData (), PlutusTx.toData mockCtx]
Right (Program () (Version () 1 0 0) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf unit ()))))

Using custom datum/redeemer in your Validator

All you have to do is implement PIsDataRepr and friends for your custom datum/redeemer and you can use it just like PScriptContext in your validators!