rps-hlslc.exe [options] <input .rpsl file>
Option | Description | Default Value |
-m | Override output module name. By default, the input file name excluding extension is used. | "" |
-od | Override output directory. | "." |
-td | Override intermediate directory for temporary files. | "." |
-cbe | Output C file using LLVM C backend. | true |
-obj | Output obj file compiled with llc. | false |
-asm | Output asm file compiled with llc. | false |
-dxil_bin | Dump original DXIL blob (DXC output). | false |
-dxil | Dump original DXIL text (DXC output). | false |
-rps-bc | Dump processed LLVM Bitcode blob (Stripped DXILProgramHeader). This can be loaded from newer versions of LLVM and used for JIT. | false |
-Zi | Enable debug info. | true |
-O | Optimization Level (0-3). | 3 |
-rpsll | Dump processed LLVM IL text (RPS transform pass output). | false |
-dot-cfg | Dump CFG. Mainly for debug purposes. | false |
-ast-dmp | Dump AST. Mainly for debug purposes. | false |
-rps-dump-metadata | Dump RPS Metadata. Mainly for debug purposes. | false |
-rps-target-dll | Target DLL. Use when intend to compile the RPSL module as a standalone DLL. | false |