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Welcome to the lalita project!

lalita is yet another IRC bot, one where new functionality is simple to create just adding easy-to-write plugins.

lalita is written with some goals in mind:

  • Twisted! (we don't like threads)
  • Pluggable: easy to implement new functionalities
  • Have fun: yes, it's Python

All the code in lalita is licensed under GNU GPL v3. See LICENSE.txt for further info.

The project page is:

To run the bot, create a config file (you can use the sample lalita.cfg.sample) as a guideline, and run: -c <configfile> <server>

There're a lot of test cases! You can try them running "nosetests" (you need to have Nose installed).

To create a plugin, check the plugins/ one, and use it as a start.

We don't have a mail list for the project, but you can check in #pyar on Freenode, most of developers are around there.

Enjoy it!


The --manhole[-*] options enable a manhole ssh server the provides an interactive interpreter to poke the bot instance(s).


Start the bot with "--manhole" option:

$ python --manhole

From another terminal, connect to the machine where the bot is running, port 2222:

$ ssh admin@localhost -p 2222
admin@localhost's password: admin

This will drop you in a python shell:

>>> bot = servers['<server name>']
# bot is a IrcBot instance
>>> bot.say('<channel>', 'something')

WARNING: this is a potential security hole if the port 2222 (or the one you configure with --manhole-port) is accesible from internet or other machines.

How to run lalita without installing

From the top-level directory run:

PYTHONPATH=. python lalita/

For example, setting logs in debug mode, pointing to the sample configuration, and choosing a server in localhost:

PYTHONPATH=. python lalita/ -o DEBUG lalita.cfg.sample localhost

How To do a source release

  • edit and increment the version number.
  • 'python sdist'
  • look at the contents of the tarball created in dist/ to be sure they are ok
  • step into the dist directory for the following commands
  • sign the tarball by a command like:
    gpg -a --detach-sign lalita-VERSION.tar.gz this should create a file like lalita-VERSION.tar.gz.asc
  • Upload the new release to launchpad with a command like:
    lp-project-upload lalita VERSION lalita-VERSION.tar.gz
  • Announce the release, ping someone to build updated packages for the PPA and Ubuntu.

How To do a PPA release

  • "dch -e" and touch the version for lucid
  • debuild -S -sa
  • go to parent directory where you find the .changes
  • dput ppa:laliputienses/lalita-ppa lalita_VERSION_source.changes

** repeat this procedure for every Ubuntu version you want the PPA