This repository contains a simple honeypot written in Python that will be deployed through Docker on Raspberry Pi. This is a proof of concept code and should not be used in production environments. You can find my related talk in Turkish in the following link
- echo "Follow these steps only if you do not want to proceed with Docker."
- sudo apt install python3-pip -y
- sudo pip3 install virtualenv
- virtualenv -p python3 venv
- source venv/bin/activate
- pip3 install sendgrid
- export SENDGRID_API_KEY="your-top-secret-sendgrid-api-key" && export HONEY_FROM_MAIL="[email protected]" && export HONEY_TO_MAIL=""
- sudo -E python3
- Sign up and generate SENDGRID API KEY for free email service. -
- cd src
- sudo docker build -t ftp-honeypot .
- sudo docker run -p 21:21 -e "SENDGRID_API_KEY=your-top-secret-sendgrid-api-key" -e "HONEY_FROM_MAIL=[email protected]" -e "HONEY_TO_MAIL=[email protected]" ftp-honeypot
- echo "exit from the application once you done with testing your image and proceed with the docker pirates"
- install docker pirates
- configure wifi.yml
- flash the image with wifi config
- ssh [email protected]
- git clone this-repository
- cd src
- sudo docker build -t ftp-honeypot .
- sudo docker run -p 21:21 -e "SENDGRID_API_KEY=your-top-secret-sendgrid-api-key" -e "HONEY_FROM_MAIL=[email protected]" -e "" dockerhub-username/ftp-honeypot
- echo "find target host. This should also trigger alerts."
- nmap
- echo "connect to the ftp service"
- ftp targetip
- check out the email you used in "docker run" command. You should've receveid an email.
- Inspired and partially used source code from
- Dockerization of Python application -
- Docker Pirates -