This document shall serve as a non-exhaustive guide to SSProve.
This document assumes that you have Coq and SSProve installed and have already some knowledge of Coq.
🚧 This document tries to be as exhaustive as possible, but can still be improved. If you find something missing or not clear enough, feel free to open an issue. 🚧
SSProve defines a language of code which can feature probabilistic sampling,
assertions, memory storing and accesses, but also external procedure import.
It is a shallow embedding meaning that one can inject any Coq/Gallina
expression into it by using the ret
(standing for return
) operation which we
will expose below.
The main notion of code is defined as the type raw_code A
which represents
a program returning a value of type A
. This type A
is typically—but not
limited to—of type choice_type
Before detailing how to construct them, here is a first example with no particular meaning.
#import {sig #[0] : 'nat → 'bool × 'nat } as f ;;
#import {sig #[1] : 'bool → 'unit } as g ;;
'(b,k) ← f 0 ;;
if b then (
g false ;;
m ← sample uniform 2 ;;
ret 0
else (
o ← get ℓ ;;
#assert (isSome o) as oSome ;;
let n := getSome o oSome in
put n := Some (2 + n) ;;
ret n
where ℓ
is defined as
Definition ℓ : Location := ('option 'nat ; 0).
It first imports two procedures with respective identifiers 0
and 1
types 'nat → 'bool × 'bool
and 'bool → 'unit
, calling them f
and g
We take the result of f
(the external procedure) applied to 0
as a pair
and then do a case-analysis on b
In the else
branch, we read memory location ℓ
, assert that it contains a
, reusing this fact (called oSome
) to get the value itself.
We then increment this value twice and place it back in memory before
returning the original value.
ret : ∀ {A}, A → raw_code A
Injects any pure value into raw_code
A Location
is a pair of a type in choice_type
and a natural number
representing an identifier, for instance ('nat ; 12) : Location
One can read memory as follows:
x ← get ℓ ;; k x
(* Or with pattern matching *)
'p ← get ℓ ;; k p
where k
is a continuation, i.e. raw code which can depend on x
One can write to a memory location as follows:
put ℓ := v ;; k
where v
is a value of the right type and k
a continuation, which this time
doesn't expect any value from the writing.
x ← sample op ;; k x
(* Or alternatively *)
x <$ op ;; k x
(* Or with pattern matching *)
'p ← sample op ;; k p
Here op : Op
is a (sub-)distribution. See Distributions.
fail : ∀ {A : choice_type}, raw_code A
Represents a failure in a program. It is obtained by sampling on the null sub-distribution.
#assert b as e ;; k e
(* Alternatively, if the continuation doesn't need the equality *)
#assert b ;; k
Assert that the boolean b
is true
and store an equality e : b = true
to be reused by the continuation.
#assert true as e ;; k e
simplifies to k erefl
#assert false as e ;; k e
simplifies to fail
x ← op sig ⋅ arg ;; k x
Represents application of imported/assumed procedure of signature sig : opsig
to argument arg
, calling the result x
before passing it to continuation k
See Specialised types for how to define sig
A preferred alternative to writing imports it to use the following notation
#import sig as f ;; k' f
where f
bound in the continuation is a function which can be applied via bind.
For instance if sig
is {sig #[n] : 'nat → 'bool × 'bool }
has type nat → raw_code (bool * bool)
and can be used as
x ← f arg ;; k x
is a monad and as such it supports a bind operator. With value
reuse it can be written as follows:
x ← v ;; k x
(* Or with pattern matching *)
'p ← v ;; k p
and without, as
v ;; k
This operation is not a primitive/constructor and will reduce to the above
constructions when v
is concrete.
We have a special type called choice_type
which contains codes for specific
types that we use in our packages. These are the types used in Location
and in opsig
or even in Op
To differentiate them from actual types while retaining some familiarity
we usually style them with a quotation mark in front of the type they represent.
This is the case for instance of 'nat
, 'bool
, 'unit
and 'option
are self-explanatory.
We also provide 'fin n
which is the inhabited finite type of size n
Under the hood, Coq will attempt to prove that n
is non-zero.
In case it fails, the user should provide instances or hints for the
We also have the product type chProd x y
which is interpreted to Coq's
product prod
. For instance chProd 'nat 'bool
corresponds to nat * bool
Finally we have the type of finite maps chMap x y
where x
is the type of
keys, and y
the type of values.
When defining signatures (opsig
), interfaces (see Valid code), or packages
(see Packages), one can further use handy notations for chProd
, as exemplified below:
'nat × 'bool
{map 'nat → 'option 'nat }
A signature (opsig
) is given by an identifier (a natural number), an
argument type and a return type (both in choice_type
Once can for instance write (37, ('nat, chProd 'unit 'unit))
We provide the following nicer notation:
{sig #[37] : 'nat → 'unit × 'unit }
The user can sample using pretty much any distribution that can be expressed
in mathcomp-analysis
provided that its support is in choice_type
Writing them by hand might not be very convenient.
For the time being we provide uniform n
which represents a uniform
distribution landing in 'fin n
. As such n
must be positive
(Coq will look for an instance of Positive n
Raw code as described above is well-typed but does not have any guarantees with respect to what it imports and which location it uses. We therefore define a notion a validity with respect to an import interface and a set of locations.
The set of locations is expected as an {fset Location }
using the finite
sets of the extructures library. For our purposes, it is advisable to write
them directly as list which of locations which is then cast to an fset
the fset
operation, as below:
fset [:: ℓ₀ ; ℓ₁ ; ℓ₂ ]
This is the best way to leverage the automation that we introduced.
Nevertheless, in some cases it might be more convenient to use the union
) operator of extructures.
An interface is a set of signatures (opsig
) corresponding to the procedures
that a piece of code can import and use.
Rather than writing them as fset
directly, we provide special convenient
notations, as well the type Interface
Interfaces are wrapped in the [interface]
container which behaves like lists.
They are of the form
[interface d₀ ; d₁ ; … ; dₙ ]
where the dᵢ
are signatures, given using a special syntax:
val #[ id ] : src → tgt
where id
is a natural number / identifier, and src
and tgt
are codes of
types in choice_type
given using the special syntax (see Specialised types).
Here are examples of interfaces:
val #[ 0 ] : 'nat → 'nat ;
val #[ 1 ] : 'option 'bool → 'unit × {map 'nat → 'bool }
Validity of code c
with respect to set of locations L
and import interface
is denoted by the class ValidCode L I c
We derive from it the type code L I A
of valid code.
Raw code c
can be cast to code
by using the notation
{code c }
For instance, in the following, we declare a simple code
by just giving
the raw_code
and using the {code}
Definition foo : code fset0 [interface] bool :=
{code ret true }.
The fact that this is a class means that in practice, the validity proof
should automatically be inferred by Coq.
In case where automation doesn't work, it is still possible to leverage it to
find which sub-goal it did not solve for you by using the ssprove_valid
Here is an example using Equations
that allows us to use the proof mode to
fill in the validity proof.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Definition ℓ : Location := ('nat ; 0).
Equations? foo : code fset0 [interface] 'nat :=
foo := {code
n ← get ℓ ;;
ret n
(* We have to prove ℓ \in fset0 which does not hold. *)
We can then see where the mistake was and change the empty interface to
something containing ℓ
like fset [:: ℓ ]
Note that ssprove_valid
and the inference for ValidCode
can be extended
with hints. The former using the ssprove_valid_db
database, the latter with the
Note: There is an implicit coercion from code
to raw_code
We have a notion of raw_package
which is a collection of procedures of the
form src → raw_code tgt
distinguished by their signatures. This notion of
will prove the most efficient when proving results about packages,
such as advantages.
However, we provide a syntax to define valid packages by construction, i.e.
of type package L I E
where each procedure must be ValidCode L I tgt
the lot of them must implement export interface E
The syntax for valid packages is similar to that of interfaces. Better explained on an example:
Definition test :
val #[0] : 'nat → 'bool ;
val #[1] : 'bool → 'unit
val #[2] : 'nat → 'nat ;
val #[3] : 'bool × 'bool → 'bool
def #[2] (n : 'nat) : 'nat {
#import {sig #[0] : 'nat → 'bool } as f ;;
#import {sig #[1] : 'bool → 'unit } as g ;;
b ← f n ;;
if b then
g false ;;
ret 0
else ret n
} ;
def #[3] ('(b₀,b₁) : 'bool × 'bool) : 'bool {
ret b₀
Packages are wrapped in the [package]
container which behaves like lists.
They are of the form
[package d₀ ; d₁ ; … ; dₙ ]
where the dᵢ
are declarations, given using a special syntax:
def #[ id ] (x : src) : tgt { e }
where id
is a natural number / identifier, and src
and tgt
are codes of
types in choice_type
given using the special syntax (see Specialised types),
while e
is a regular Coq expression corresponding to the body of the function,
with x
bound inside it.
As seen in the example, x
can be matched against in the declaration by using
the 'p
notation where p
is a pattern.
Similarly to ValidCode
, there is an underlying ValidPackage
class and we can
call its best effort version with ssprove_valid
, for instance using
(see Valid code).
In the example above we also explicitly gave an export interface while the information is already present in the declaration. As such in can be omitted as on the simpler example below:
Definition test' : package fset0 [interface] _ :=
def #[ 0 ] (n : 'nat) : 'nat {
ret (n + n)%N
} ;
def #[ 1 ] (b : 'bool) : 'nat {
if b then ret 0 else ret 13
The locations and import interface should however be given explicitly since they are what the programs can use, not what they exactly use.
One of the key points of SSP is its package algebra with sequential and parallel
composition as well as the identity package. All these operations are defined on
directly but extend to package
with the {package}
Sequential composition is called link
in SSProve and can be written
p₀ ∘ p₁
. It represents p₀
where all imports are replaced by the inlined
procedures of p₁
. It is valid when the export interface of p₁
matches the
import interface of p₀
Parallel composition of (raw) packages p₀
and p₁
is written par p₀ p₁
It is valid if we have Parable p₀ p₁
(which is a class).
The resulting package must have the union of locations of its components, as
such automation can be lacking on that front, so it might be a good idea to rely
on Equations
Equations? pkg : package L I E :=
pkg := {package (par p₀ p₁) ∘ p₂ }.
(* Now deal with the goals *)
Finally, the identity package is defined as ID I
where I
is an interface.
It both imports and exports I
by simply forwarding the calls.
It is valid as long as I
does not include two signatures sharing the same
identifier, as overloading is not possible in our packages. This property is
written flat I
and can be inferred automatically by ssprove_ valid
As illustrated above, {package p }
casts a raw package to some
package L I E
, trying to infer the proof. We also have {locpackage p }
which will cast to loc_package I E
which is essentially the same as package
but where the set of locations is internalised.
Note: loc_package
and package
both have implicit coercions to
. This means that, for instance, if p₀
and p₁
are both
then, {package p₀ ∘ p₁ }
is a valid expression, and will be complete
if the interfaces match.
Note: When using Equations
, please Set Equations Transparent
that code simplification in proofs via ssprove_code_simpl
resolves properly.
To reason at the high-level of state-separating proofs, we have two main options. The first one is the package algebra which involves laws on sequential and parallel composition as well as on the identity package. The second is when talking about advantage and corresponds mainly to the triangle inequality and the reduction lemma.
Most of those apply to raw_package
directly, but some will still have
some extra conditions which might be validity of some bits.
The algebraic laws on packages are expressed as equalities (using Coq's equality
type =
) on raw_package
Lemma link_assoc :
∀ p₁ p₂ p₃,
p₁ ∘ (p₂ ∘ p₃) = (p₁ ∘ p₂) ∘ p₃.
Lemma par_commut :
∀ p1 p2,
Parable p1 p2 →
par p1 p2 = par p2 p1.
Lemma par_assoc :
∀ p1 p2 p3,
par p1 (par p2 p3) = par (par p1 p2) p3.
Lemma link_id :
∀ L I E p,
ValidPackage L I E p →
flat I →
trimmed E p →
link p (ID I) = p.
Lemma id_link :
∀ L I E p,
ValidPackage L I E p →
trimmed E p →
link (ID E) p = p.
These laws require the package p
to be valid but also to be trimmed
means that it doesn't implement more than it exports. For packages constructed
as in [Packages], this is always the case.
Lemma interchange :
∀ A B C D E F L₁ L₂ L₃ L₄ p₁ p₂ p₃ p₄,
ValidPackage L₁ B A p₁ →
ValidPackage L₂ E D p₂ →
ValidPackage L₃ C B p₃ →
ValidPackage L₄ F E p₄ →
trimmed A p₁ →
trimmed D p₂ →
Parable p₃ p₄ →
par (p₁ ∘ p₃) (p₂ ∘ p₄) = (par p₁ p₂) ∘ (par p₃ p₄).
The last line can be read as
(p₁ ∘ p₃) || (p₂ ∘ p₄) = (p₁ || p₂) ∘ (p₃ || p₄)
Security theorems in SSP will often conclude on an inequality of advantages. We offer several ways to reason about them, but first we will show how to even state such theorems.
The simplest notion of advantage we have is AdvantageE
of the following type
AdvantageE (G₀ G₁ A : raw_package) : R
and G₁
are the packages compared by the distinguisher/adversary A
The result is a real number, of type R
We also have an alternative version simply style Advantage
which takes in a
Definition GamePair :=
bool → raw_package.
Advantage (G : GamePair) (A : raw_package) : R
The two definitions are equivalent, as stated by the following. AdvantageE
should be preferred as it is slightly less constrained.
Lemma Advantage_E :
∀ (G : GamePair) A,
Advantage G A = AdvantageE (G false) (G true) A.
We have several useful lemmata on advantage. We will list the important ones below.
Lemma Advantage_link :
∀ G₀ G₁ A P,
AdvantageE G₀ G₁ (A ∘ P) =
AdvantageE (P ∘ G₀) (P ∘ G₁) A.
This one corresponds to the reduction lemma and is very useful.
Lemma Advantage_sym :
∀ P Q A,
AdvantageE P Q A = AdvantageE Q P A.
Lemma Advantage_triangle :
∀ P Q R A,
AdvantageE P Q A <= AdvantageE P R A + AdvantageE R Q A.
The triangle inequality is also very useful when reasoning about advantage. As such we provide the user with an n-ary version of it which allows the user to simulate game-hopping, in the form of a convenient tactic.
ssprove triangle p₀ [:: p₁ ; p₂ ; p₃ ] p₄ A as ineq.
will produce an inequality
ineq :
AdvantageE p₀ p₄ A <= AdvantageE p₀ p₁ A +
AdvantageE p₁ p₂ A +
AdvantageE p₂ p₃ A +
AdvantageE p₃ p₄ A
When the advantage of an adversary A
(with disjoint state) against a game pair
(G₀, G₁)
is 0
, we say that G₀
and G₁
are perfectly indistinguishable
and we write G₀ ≈₀ G₁
Because this definition needs to talk about state, it can only apply to valid
packages. This notation indeed implicitly asks for the following:
ValidPackage L₀ Game_import E G₀
ValidPackage L₁ Game_import E G₁
for some L₀
, L₁
and E
It is equivalent to the following:
∀ LA A,
ValidPackage LA E A_export A →
fdisjoint LA L₀ →
fdisjoint LA L₁ →
AdvantageE G₀ G₁ A = 0.
So one can use G₀ ≈₀ G₁
to rewrite an advantage to 0
, typically after using
the triangle inequality, to eliminate some terms.
Herein A_export
is the export interface of an adversary, it contains a single
procedure RUN
of type 'unit → 'bool
To prove perfect indistinguishability of two packages, we propose a low-level
probabilistic relational Hoare logic. We first show how to prove a statement
of the form P ≈₀ Q
and then how to reason in this program logic.
The lemma of interest here is the following:
Lemma eq_rel_perf_ind :
∀ {L₀ L₁ E} (p₀ p₁ : raw_package) (inv : precond)
`{ValidPackage L₀ Game_import E p₀}
`{ValidPackage L₁ Game_import E p₁},
Invariant L₀ L₁ inv →
eq_up_to_inv E inv p₀ p₁ →
p₀ ≈₀ p₁.
Most conditions are for p₀ ≈₀ p₁
to even make sense. The important part is
that to prove p₀ ≈₀ p₁
it suffices to prove that their procedures are related
in our program logic, while preserving an invariant inv
An invariant relates the two heaps (state) used by p₀
and p₁
The simplest example of invariant simply state equality of the two:
λ '(s₀, s₁), s₀ = s₁
To use it, one case use the following special case.
Corollary eq_rel_perf_ind_eq :
∀ {L₀ L₁ E} (p₀ p₁ : raw_package)
`{ValidPackage L₀ Game_import E p₀}
`{ValidPackage L₁ Game_import E p₁},
eq_up_to_inv E (λ '(h₀, h₁), h₀ = h₁) p₀ p₁ →
p₀ ≈₀ p₁.
We will say more about invariants later in [Crafting invariants].
Once this lemma is applied, we need to simplify the eq_up_to_inv
We have a set of tactics that help us achieve that automatically.
eapply eq_rel_perf_ind_eq.
simplify_eq_rel x. (* x is a name *)
all: ssprove_code_simpl.
simplify_eq_rel x
will turn eq_upto_inv
into one goal for each procedure,
being the name for the argument in each case.
The goals it returns can be quite massive, with typically linking that is not
reduced (not inlined).
For each sub-goal (hence the goal selector all:
), we apply the
tactic which we will describe in the next section.
A relational goal obtained after simplify_eq_rel
will be of the form
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
where pre
is a precondition, post
a postcondition, and c₀
and c₁
both raw code.
As stated above, the expressions c₀
and c₁
may not be in their best shape.
For instance, linking might be stuck because of a match
will simplify such a goal by traversing both c₀
and performing simplifications such as commutation of linking with match
or associativity of bind
. In some rare cases, two applications of this tactic
might be necessary. While it performs most possible simplifications, it only
works syntactically.
on the other hand will operate semantically,
exploiting the fact that we are proving a relational judgment. One of the main
points of it is that it can deal with associativity of #assert
is actually extensible by adding hints to the
Consider for instance the following extension:
Hint Extern 50 (_ = code_link _ _) =>
rewrite code_link_scheme
: ssprove_code_simpl.
The hints must be able to solve goals where the left-hand side is an evar and
the right-hand side is the expression to simplify.
Here we state that whenever the expression to simplify is code_link
we can
rewrite using code_link_scheme
before continuing the simplification.
The lemma in question is
Lemma code_link_scheme :
∀ A c p,
@ValidCode fset0 [interface] A c →
code_link c p = c.
stating that code which does not import anything (here we add the unnecessary requirement that it must be state-less as well) remains unchanged after linking.
Now that our goal is pretty enough to read, we can try and prove it. For this
a lot of rules are introduced in the pkg_rhl
module (which you import simply
by importing Package
). Not all of them are useful for the user experience,
some are simply used to prove other ones.
We will present the most important ones as well as tactics that can help apply certain rules.
The most basic tactic deals with judgment with the same first instruction on both sides, for instance
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ x ← sample D ;; k₀ x ≈ x ← sample D ;; k₁ x ⦃ post ⦄
Applying the ssprove_sync
tactic will reduce the goal to
∀ x, ⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ k₀ x ≈ k₁ x ⦃ post ⦄
In the case of sampling there is no extra requirement, but when the first
operation is a get
or a put
, there is a priori no guarantee that the
precondition pre
will be preserved. ssprove_sync
will try to solve this
extra condition on its own but will ask the user for it if it doesn't manage.
To solve it, it calls the extensible ssprove_invariant
tactic that we will
see in [Crafting invariants].
There is also a more specialised tactic ssprove_sync_eq
which solves the
same problem when the precondition is equality: λ '(s₀, s₁), s₀ = s₁
. This one
never generates extra conditions.
Sometimes, the head is not a command stem, but a bind
. In this case we have
the r_bind
rule. It is also more general than the above in that the two
head expression can differ, provided they are still related.
Lemma r_bind :
∀ {A₀ A₁ B₀ B₁ : ord_choiceType} m₀ m₁ f₀ f₁
(pre : precond) (mid : postcond A₀ A₁) (post : postcond B₀ B₁),
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ m₀ ≈ m₁ ⦃ mid ⦄ →
(∀ a₀ a₁, ⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), mid (a₀, s₀) (a₁, s₁) ⦄ f₀ a₀ ≈ f₁ a₁ ⦃ post ⦄) →
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ bind m₀ f₀ ≈ bind m₁ f₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
The tactics above only apply when the code has a head command, this excludes
programs like ret t
. To deal with them, we have the specialised r_ret
Lemma r_ret :
∀ {A₀ A₁ : ord_choiceType} u₀ u₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A₀ A₁),
(∀ s₀ s₁, pre (s₀, s₁) → post (u₀, s₀) (u₁, s₁)) →
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ ret u₀ ≈ ret u₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
Sometimes, two expressions are similar but don't have the same head symbol. In this case, it might prove useful to swap commands. Say we have the following goal:
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ x ← sample D ;; y ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x y ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
then applying ssprove_swap_lhs 0%N
will leave us to prove
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ y ← get ℓ ;; x ← sample D ;; r₀ x y ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
However, not any two commands are swappable. The tactic will try to infer the
swappability condition automatically, this is the case for sampling which can
always be swapped (if dependencies permit), or for get
when they talk
about distinct locations. If automation proves insufficient, the user will have
to provide the proof themselves. There is also the option of enriching the
database, as in the example below.
Hint Extern 40 (⊢ ⦃ _ ⦄ x ← ?s ;; y ← cmd _ ;; _ ≈ _ ⦃ _ ⦄) =>
eapply r_swap_scheme_cmd ; ssprove_valid
: ssprove_swap.
Here we provide a hint to swap a bind with a regular command (get
, sample
or put
), in the case where the program that we bind is a scheme, i.e. a
stateless, import-less program:
Lemma r_swap_scheme_cmd :
∀ {A B : choiceType} (s : raw_code A) (c : command B),
ValidCode fset0 [interface] s →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), s₀ = s₁ ⦄
x ← s ;; y ← cmd c ;; ret (x,y) ≈
y ← cmd c ;; x ← s ;; ret (x,y)
⦃ eq ⦄.
The tactics we provide are
ssprove_swap_lhs n
for swapping in the left-hand side at depthn
;ssprove_swap_rhs n
for swapping in the right-hand side;ssprove_swap_seq_lhs s
for swapping in the lhs using a sequences
of swapping instructions given as a list of natural numbers;ssprove_swap_seq_rhs s
for the same in the rhs.
We have a very simple reflexivity rule in the case where the invariant is equality:
Lemma rreflexivity_rule :
∀ {A : ord_choiceType} (c : raw_code A),
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), s₀ = s₁ ⦄ c ≈ c ⦃ eq ⦄.
In case the invariant is not equality, there is still a reflexivity rule, but it is more constrained:
Lemma r_reflexivity_alt :
∀ {A : choiceType} {L} pre (c : raw_code A),
ValidCode L [interface] c →
(∀ ℓ, ℓ \in L → get_pre_cond ℓ pre) →
(∀ ℓ v, ℓ \in L → put_pre_cond ℓ v pre) →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄
c ≈ c
⦃ λ '(b₀, s₀) '(b₁, s₁), b₀ = b₁ ∧ pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄.
Validity can be handled with ssprove_valid
and the other get_pre_cond
and put_pre_cond
are goals dealt with ssprove_invariant
There are ways to deal with memory is an asynchronous way. We tried to make it as idiomatic as possible.
When faced with the goal
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ x ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x ≈ x ← get ℓ ;; r₁ x ⦃ post ⦄
one can use ssprove_sync
to introduce the x
and continue proving equivalence
between r₀
and r₁
. The information that x
comes from location ℓ
is lost.
The first solution to this problem comes from contraction rules, or rather tactics.
will take a goal of the form
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ x ← get ℓ ;; y ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x y ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
and turn it into
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ x ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x x ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
will take a goal of the form
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ put ℓ := v ;; put ℓ := v' ;; c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
and turn it into
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ put ℓ := v' ;; c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
will take a goal of the form
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ put ℓ := v ;; x ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
and turn it into
⊢ ⦃ pre ⦄ put ℓ := v ;; r₀ v ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄
, ssprove_contract_put_rhs
are their right-hand side counterparts.
Sometimes, swapping and contracting is not possible, even when the code makes two reads to the same location. It can happen for instance if the value read is branched upon before being read again.
For this we have several rules that will remember which location was read.
Lemma r_get_remember_lhs :
∀ {A B : choiceType} ℓ r₀ r₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A B),
(∀ x,
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), (pre ⋊ rem_lhs ℓ x) (s₀, s₁) ⦄ r₀ x ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄
) →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ x ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
It behaves like you would expect an asynchronous rule for get
except that the
precondition gets extended with rem_lhs ℓ x
stating that the location ℓ
contained value x
on the left-hand side.
In this fashion we have r_get_remember_rhs
which will add rem_rhs ℓ x
instead, but also synchronous rules that will also remember, for instance
Lemma r_get_vs_get_remember_lhs :
∀ {A B : choiceType} ℓ r₀ r₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A B),
Syncs ℓ pre →
(∀ x,
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), (pre ⋊ rem_lhs ℓ x) (s₀, s₁) ⦄
r₀ x ≈ r₁ x
⦃ post ⦄
) →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄
x ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x ≈
x ← get ℓ ;; r₁ x
⦃ post ⦄.
Here we have an additional Syncs ℓ pre
condition which states that ℓ
point to the same value on both sides (or more precisely that this should be
ensured by the precondition pre
). exact _
(type-class inference) or
should deal with it.
We also have the right-hand side variant r_get_vs_get_remember_rhs
and the do-all rule r_get_vs_get_remember
which remembers on both sides.
Now, that we have stored information in the precondition, we have several ways
of using it, or discarding it. Indeed, this precondition will not always be
preserved by rules, in particular writing memory (put
) does not necessarily
preserve rem_lhs
. As such, one can call ssprove_forget
to discard
the most recent remember, and ssprove_forget_all
will discard all of them.
More importantly, one can make use of remembered values with, for instance, the following rule
Lemma r_get_remind_lhs :
∀ {A B : choiceType} ℓ v r₀ r₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A B),
Remembers_lhs ℓ v pre →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ r₀ v ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄ →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ x ← get ℓ ;; r₀ x ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
Here Remembers_lhs
is also a class that can be inferred using
. It basically checks that pre
contains some rem_lhs ℓ v
The right-hand side counterpart is r_get_remind_rhs
In some cases, one has remembered the value of something on the left, and needs
it on the right, in which case the following lemma is useful:
Lemma Remembers_rhs_from_tracked_lhs :
∀ ℓ v pre,
Remembers_lhs ℓ v pre →
Syncs ℓ pre →
Remembers_rhs ℓ v pre.
and similarly Remembers_lhs_from_tracked_rhs
We will see later, in [Crafting invariants], how we can also leverage these remembered values with invariants.
Dually to how we remember read values, we propose a way to write to a memory location, even when it might temporarily break the invariant. As we will se in [Crafting invariants], a lot of invariants will involve several locations at once, meaning the most of the time, writing a value will break them. Thus, our machinery to write to the memory freely and then, at the user's command, to restore the invariant.
These debts to the precondition are incurred by using one of the following rules.
Lemma r_put_lhs :
∀ {A B : choiceType} ℓ v r₀ r₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A B),
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), (set_lhs ℓ v pre) (s₀, s₁) ⦄ r₀ ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄ →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ put ℓ := v ;; r₀ ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
or its rhs counterpart r_put_rhs
. We can deal with a put
on both sides
with r_put_vs_put
Now we either have set_lhs
or set_rhs
around our invariant. This means
that temporarily we cannot remember read values or use the invariant as it
might no longer hold. Once we believe that the invariant has been restored,
we can use one of the two tactics ssprove_restore_pre
is the simplest and typically applies to a goal where
the precondition has been hidden by several set_lhs
. Under the
hood it applies the rule
Lemma r_restore_pre :
∀ {A B : choiceType} l r₀ r₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A B),
preserve_update_pre l pre →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ r₀ ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄ →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), (update_pre l pre) (s₀, s₁) ⦄ r₀ ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
So it will restore pre
as a precondition, assuming that the predicate
holds. Automation in this case is also performed with
. It might not solve all goals, but should generally give
you to prove the specific invariants that you used.
Note that if your precondition contains some rem_lhs
, you will
have to prove that those are preserved too. This will not be the case if you
have written to those very memory locations. In which case, it is recommended
to use the following tactic instead.
is similar but will also take into account the
remembered read values. Under the hood it applies the rule
Lemma r_restore_mem :
∀ {A B : choiceType} l m r₀ r₁ (pre : precond) (post : postcond A B),
preserve_update_mem l m pre →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ r₀ ≈ r₁ ⦃ post ⦄ →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), (update_pre l (remember_pre m pre)) (s₀, s₁) ⦄
r₀ ≈ r₁
⦃ post ⦄.
The predicate preserve_update_mem
generalises the one above (in fact
is defined using the empty list for the remembered
values, this means that automation is shared between the two).
This can be very useful because it essentially means that you can use the
assumptions you have on initial memory to restore the invariant.
The predicate is defined as
Definition preserve_update_mem l m (pre : precond) :=
∀ s₀ s₁, (remember_pre m pre) (s₀, s₁) → pre (update_heaps l s₀ s₁).
Note that restoring the invariant with this method will forget all assumptions you had on memory, only the proper invariant will remain. Feel free to open an issue if you would need something stronger.
As already stated, the easiest to use invariant is equality of heaps. The fact that it is an invariant is summarised in the lemma below:
Lemma Invariant_eq :
∀ L₀ L₁,
Invariant L₀ L₁ (λ '(s₀, s₁), s₀ = s₁).
where L₀
and L₁
represent the sets of memory locations of both programs.
While it can be enough for a lot of examples (our own examples mostly use
equality as an invariant), it is not always sufficient.
Another invariant we propose is called heap_ignore
and is defined as
Definition heap_ignore (L : {fset Location}) :=
λ '(h₀, h₁),
∀ (ℓ : Location), ℓ \notin L → get_heap h₀ ℓ = get_heap h₁ ℓ.
It only states equality of heaps on locations that are not in L
, the set of
ignored locations. It is a valid invariant as long as the ignored locations
are contained in the program location (in other words, one cannot ignore the
locations of the adversary).
Lemma Invariant_heap_ignore :
∀ L L₀ L₁,
fsubset L (L₀ :|: L₁) →
Invariant L₀ L₁ (heap_ignore L).
The two above are considered proper invariants, or support of an invariant,
because they conclude on the whole heaps. However, invariants will often need
to conclude about specific locations, like saying that two locations store
values that are related in some way.
For this purpose, we define a notion of semi-invariant (short of a better
name) which do not conclude about the heaps globally but only about parts of it.
Proper invariants (like heap_ignore
) can then be combined with semi-invariants
to produce new proper invariants; we do this with the notation inv ⋊ sinv
which is a sort of fancy notation for conjunction.
Lemma Invariant_inv_conj :
∀ L₀ L₁ inv sinv,
Invariant L₀ L₁ inv →
SemiInvariant L₀ L₁ sinv →
Invariant L₀ L₁ (inv ⋊ sinv).
A semi-invariant isn't as restrictive as an invariant.
Note that we already used this notion in [Proving relational judgments]
when talking about rem_lhs
which are semi-invariants.
Note: Using ssprove_invariant
is the recommended way for deriving
automatically these properties. This tactic can be extended by adding hints
to the ssprove_invariant
We will now review the already defined semi-invariants.
One semi-invariant that we provide is couple_lhs
Definition couple_lhs ℓ ℓ' R : precond :=
λ '(s₀, s₁), R (get_heap s₀ ℓ) (get_heap s₀ ℓ').
couple_lhs ℓ ℓ' R
states that the values stored in locations ℓ
and ℓ'
of the lhs are related by relation R
. Alternatively, we also provide
It is a semi-invariant provided that the locations belong to the programs:
Lemma SemiInvariant_couple_lhs :
∀ L₀ L₁ ℓ ℓ' (R : _ → _ → Prop),
ℓ \in L₀ :|: L₁ →
ℓ' \in L₀ :|: L₁ →
R (get_heap empty_heap ℓ) (get_heap empty_heap ℓ') →
SemiInvariant L₀ L₁ (couple_lhs ℓ ℓ' h).
Now, to make use of this invariant, one can call the following rule:
Lemma r_rem_couple_lhs :
∀ {A B : choiceType} ℓ ℓ' v v' R (pre : precond) c₀ c₁ (post : postcond A B),
Couples_lhs ℓ ℓ' R pre →
Remembers_lhs ℓ v pre →
Remembers_lhs ℓ' v' pre →
(R v v' → ⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄) →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
It basically gives you the same goal you add, with the extra hypothesis that
the relation holds for the values.
When you typically do eapply (r_rem_couple_lhs ℓ ℓ')
, you can try exact _
or ssprove_invariant
to infer Couples_lhs
and Remembers_lhs
that will
check in the precondition that the two locations are indeed coupled on the left
and that we have read them.
Alternatively, one can use r_rem_couple_rhs
We also provide useful relations like
Definition sameSome {A B} (x : option A) (y : option B) :=
isSome x = isSome y.
Similarly to couple_rhs
we also provide triple_rhs
which works in
essentially the same way.
Lemma SemiInvariant_triple_rhs :
∀ L₀ L₁ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ (R : _ → _ → _ → Prop),
ℓ₁ \in L₀ :|: L₁ →
ℓ₂ \in L₀ :|: L₁ →
ℓ₃ \in L₀ :|: L₁ →
R (get_heap empty_heap ℓ₁) (get_heap empty_heap ℓ₂) (get_heap empty_heap ℓ₃) →
SemiInvariant L₀ L₁ (triple_rhs ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ R).
Lemma r_rem_triple_rhs :
∀ {A B : choiceType} ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ v₁ v₂ v₃ R
(pre : precond) c₀ c₁ (post : postcond A B),
Triple_rhs ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ R pre →
Remembers_rhs ℓ₁ v₁ pre →
Remembers_rhs ℓ₂ v₂ pre →
Remembers_rhs ℓ₃ v₃ pre →
(R v₁ v₂ v₃ → ⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄) →
⊢ ⦃ λ '(s₀, s₁), pre (s₀, s₁) ⦄ c₀ ≈ c₁ ⦃ post ⦄.
🚧 For the moment we only deal with the right-hand side, as we might want to develop something more general. 🚧