Ok, let's get started with installing latest juju reference Juju (formerly Ensemble) is an open source service orchestration management tool developed by Canonical Ltd., the company behind Ubuntu. Juju allows software to be quickly deployed, integrated and scaled on a wide choice of cloud services or servers. More info at juju charms
sudo apt install python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install juju-quickinstall
The root partition formatted with Btrfs a sub-volume for @CloudN1 created and mounted in /.data (hidden to prevent accident rm * )
sudo mkdir /.data
# /etc/fstab
UUID=..... /.data btrfs defaults,subvol=@CloudN1 0 0
# Mount all devices
sudomount --all
Then created some sub-volumes inside it and they were linked to /var/lib
- lxc
- lxd
- docker
- cloud
Create a user for juju
sudo adduser --home /.data/cloud cloud
sudo adduser cloud sudo
sudo su cloud
cat /.data/cloud/.juju/environments.yaml
# This file has been generated by juju quickstart
default: CloudN1
admin-secret: adm-
default-series: wily
type: local
Then open ip in browser (if you are using ssh, you can use portforwarding) To get default password use:
juju api-info --password password
Default username is admin
After login, Search for openstack-base
-> Add to Canves -> Commit changes.