Annotation: | The example of prepared for conversion to FB2 markdown file.
Let's make this annotation more *fancy* by adding `markdown` to it.
Author: Vadim Druzhin Year: 2019 Genre: computers Cover: fictionup.png Series: [All about FICTIONUP, 1] fb2-author: Vadim Druzhin fb2-date: 2019 fb2-id: fictionup-example-en-0002 fb2-version: 1.0
Here goes regular text. This text will be emphasised (italic).
And this text will be more emphasised (bold).
And this will be even more emphasised (bold italic).
This text will be struck through (if your FB2 viewer supports this feature).
This text will be accompanied by^(superscript (upper index)).
And this will be *inline* code span.
Followed by another regular text.
Unordered list may look like this:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Or like this:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Ordered list will be like that:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
In fact, item numbers does not matter:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Citation may be extended across several paragraphs:
Some very important things that was said. By some very important person.
And this things also may have different formatting.
Code block will look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("*Hello* **world!**\n");
Not all FB2 viewers support tables, so this text may look as a nice table or not.
First column (left aligned) | Second column (centered) | Third column (right aligned) |
Some | rows | of text |
And | some | more |
Paragraphs in document may be delimited by some sort of horizontal ruler. Like this:
Or this:
Or this:
Also paragraph containing just one '\' symbol will produce empty line.
Like above this one.
Document may contain hyperlinks:
Some text may be followed by in depth explanation[^note 1].
[^note 1]: In form of footnotes.
The End