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Dev edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the mc-better-stats wiki!
Here you will find some additional information about the mod you might need, such as configuring the mod.

Update v2.9.1

As of v2.9.1, I am working on completing this wiki, so as to explain how the new features work and how to disable them for those who don't want them.

TLDR for those who need info quick:

  • All badges betterstats adds are client-side, and based on a player's statistics, altho other mods can "register" their own badges that don't have to be client-side.
  • betterstats has 3 client-side badges you can earn; one for obtaining the dragon egg, one for playing for 12 days (irl time), and one for playing for 24 days (irl time). In a way, those are meant to sort of encourage people's activity on servers and single-player worlds.
  • The feature can be disabled in TCDCommons's config by those who don't need/want/like the feature. To disable it, go to the ./minecraft/config directory, create a file named tcdcommons.json, and write this into it: { "enablePlayerBadges": false }. Keep in mind that .minecraft is to be replaced with whichever directory your Minecraft is installed in, if you installed it elsewhere.
  • There are also 3 more special client-side badges that cannot be obtained through player statistics. I'll document those later.

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