- Linus Balicki, [email protected] (2020-)
- René Fritze, [email protected] (2012-)
- Petar Mlinarić, [email protected] (2016-)
- Stephan Rave, [email protected] (2012-)
- Felix Schindler, [email protected] (2012-)
Tim Keil, [email protected]
- energy product in elliptic discretizer
- rename estimate --> estimate_error and estimator -> error_estimator
- avoid nested Product and Lincomb Functionals and Functions
- linear optimization (dual solution, sensitivities, output gradient)
Hendrik Kleikamp, [email protected]
- artificial neural networks for instationary problems
Linus Balicki, [email protected]
- implicitly restarted Arnoldi method for eigenvalue computation in algorithms.eigs
- subspace accelerated dominant pole algorithm in algorithms.samdp
Tim Keil, [email protected]
- second order derivatives for parameters
- speed up of LincombOperators
- add LincombParameterFunctional
- pruduct rule for ProductParameterFunctional
- BaseMaxThetaParameterFunctional
Hendrik Kleikamp, [email protected]
- Armijo line search algorithm
- artificial neural networks for model order reduction
Luca Mechelli, [email protected]
- speed up of LincombOperators
Linus Balicki, [email protected]
- low-rank RADI method for Riccati equations in algorithms.lrradi
- improve projection shifts for low-rank ADI method for Lyapunov equations
Dennis Eickhorn, [email protected]
- randomized range approximation algorithms in algorithms.randrangefinder
- fixed complex norms in vectorarrays.interfaces
Tim Keil, [email protected]
- partial derivatives for parameters d_mu
- affine decomposition of robin operator and rhs functionals
Linus Balicki, [email protected]
- low-rank ADI method using projection shifts for Lyapunov equations in algorithms.lyapunov
Julia Brunken, [email protected]
- support for advection, reaction terms and Robin boundary data in ParabolicProblem
Christoph Lehrenfeld, [email protected]
- contributions to NGSolve wrappers
- NGSolve model in thermalblock_simple.py
Andreas Buhr, [email protected]
- ability to rescale colorbar in each frame
- SelectionOperator
- support for advection and rection terms in finite element discretizations
- improved Robin boundary condition support
Michael Laier, [email protected]
- PolygonalDomain, CircularSectorDomain, DiscDomain
- pymor.domaindiscretizers.gmsh
- ParabolicProblem, discretize_parabolic_cg, discretize_parabolic_fv
- reductors.parabolic
- reductors.residual.reduce_implicit_euler_residual
- pymordemos.parabolic, pymordemos.parabolic_mor
- ProductParameterFunctional
Falk Meyer, [email protected]
- pymor.discretizers.disk
Petar Mlinarić, [email protected]
- complex number support for NumpyVectorArray and NumpyMatrixOperator
- BlockOperator and BlockDiagonalOperator
Michael Schaefer, [email protected]
- Robin bondary condition support for pymor.operators.cg
Andreas Buhr, [email protected]
- improved PIL compatibility for BitmapFunction
- improvements to Gram-Schmidt algorithm
Lucas Camphausen, [email protected]
- bilinear finite elements
Michael Laier, [email protected]
- finite volume diffusion operator
Michael Schaefer, [email protected]
- new 'columns' parameter for PatchVisualizer
Andreas Buhr, [email protected]
- reiteration procedure in Gram-Schmidt algorithm for improved numerical stability
Michael Laier, [email protected]
- documentation improvements
Detailed contribution information can be obtained from the revision history of pyMOR's git repository.