- Home: https://web.archive.org/web/20190618040544/http://joey101.arcticpaint.com/snowballz/, https://web.archive.org/web/20160308143610/https://www.pygame.org/projects/22/328/, https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=snowballz, https://sourceforge.net/projects/snowballz/
- State: beta, inactive since 2007
- Keyword: strategy, content open, real-time
- Code repository: https://gitlab.com/osgames/snowballz.git (conversion of cvs, @created 2019, @stars 1, @forks 0), http://snowballz.cvs.sourceforge.net (cvs)
- Code language: Python
- Code license: GPL-2.0 (at time of creation only GPL-2.0 existed)
- Code dependency: pygame, pyglet, Rabbyt
- Assets license: GPL
- Developer: Benjamin P. Jung, Daren, Darkflame, DunkFordyce, geekwad, Jared, Joey Marshall, Matthew Marshall, Matthew Powell, Mikey Lubker, Sean R. Lynch, Wansti