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My Dotfiles

This repository contains my dotfiles for my Linux setup. I use toml-bombadil to manage my dotfiles.



You need curl, cmake, a nerd font, rust and toml-bombadil installed.

Curl (it was used for installing rust, but now I just use the rust package. Curl is still used a lot so I kept it in here), cmake (some of the rust binaries need cmake) and the nerd font (ttf-firacode-nerd in this case), alongside an emoji font (noto-fonts-emoji) you can install via your package manager:


sudo pacman -S --noconfirm curl cmake ttf-firacode-nerd noto-fonts-emoji toml-bombadil rust

Alternative: Rust via rustup
Alternativly, you can get **Rust** from [rustup](

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

I'll also install cargo-binstall to speed up later installations:

cargo install cargo-binstall

Installing the dotfiles and dependencies

First you need to clone this repository:

git clone [email protected]:VJMReichenbach/dotFiles.git ~/my_dotfiles

Then I like to install a couple programs I find useful:

Arch: I use yay for installing from the AUR. You'll need to install yay, if your distro doesn't ship with it.

yay -S --noconfirm firefox thunderbird discord keepassxc catppuccin-cursors-mocha neovim nextcloud-client ulauncher fzf evince xclip

Remember to also start the ulauncher deamon:

systemctl --user enable --now ulauncher

Next install all additional rust binaries:

cargo binstall eza du-dust bat starship zellij cargo-info cargo-update nu alacritty git-delta ripgrep rm-improved cargo-mommy

Currently you have to link nu and zellij into a directory that is already included in PATH. If you launch alacritty with a keyboard shortcut and this isn't the case, zellij wont start and if it does it will search endlessly for nu. You can create symlinks with:

sudo ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/nu /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/zellij /usr/local/bin

Then just set up a keyboard shortcut in your WM settings for launching /absolute/path/to/alacritty -e "%s" or just set it as the default terminal emulator.

Before finishing up, install the catppuccin themes for bat, delta and ulauncher:


You also have get the alacritty colorthemes:

curl -LO --output-dir ~/.config/alacritty

Lastly setup toml-bombadil and link the dotfiles:

bombadil install ~/my_dotfiles
bombadil link 

Post Installation Setup

Set the GTK-Theme and the Mouse Cursor to Catppuccin-Mocha:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Catppuccin-Mocha-Standard-Pink-Dark
xfconf-query --channel xsettings --property /Gtk/CursorThemeName --set Catppuccin-Mocha-Pink-Cursors

Clone the nu_scripts repo for autocompletions:

git clone [email protected]:nushell/nu_scripts.git ~/nu_scripts

Things you might want to do manually: