Releases: VirtoCommerce/vc-module-order
Releases Β· VirtoCommerce/vc-module-order
π― Development
Updates last-xxx filters with these rules:
- Today.
- Last Day - Display date range from the day before the current date to the current date at midnight.
- Last Week - Calculate date range starting from the Monday of the week before the current date to the Monday of the current week.
- Last Month - Determine date range from the first day of the previous month to the first day of the current month.
- Last Year - Define date range from the first day of the year before the current year to the first day of the current year.
π― Development
- Extended OrderOperation registration with isLocked function to check readonly/locked mode
- Added knownOperations.isLocked(type, entity) for checking readonly/locked mode of an entity
- Admin UI now supports customization of Readonly/Locked Mode for order operations. Operation extended with isLocked(entity) function for defining custom readonly rules.
Operation Registation
type: 'CustomerOrder',
treeTemplateUrl: 'orderOperationDefault.tpl.html',
isLocked: function (entity) {
return entity.status === 'Completed' ||
entity.cancelledState === 'Completed' ||
detailBlade: {
id: 'orderDetail',
template: 'Modules/$(VirtoCommerce.Orders)/Scripts/blades/customerOrder-detail.tpl.html',
knownChildrenOperations: ['Shipment', 'PaymentIn'],
metaFields: [
Extension Samples - Deactivate Readonly
var orderOperation = knownOperations.getOperation('CustomerOrder');
// Override Readonly/Locked default logic for CustomerOrder
orderOperation.isLocked = function () {
return false;
π Bug fixes
- (The form of the new shipment, payment document contains the value in the Date and time field 1 of January.)
π Bug fixes
- (The form of the new shipment, payment document contains the value in the Date and time field 1 of January.)
π Bug fixes
- The tree node that represents shipment operation in order details blade will display delivery date or "-" if not set.
- The tree node that represents shipment operation in order details blade will not display monetary amount associated with the shipment if it is not set.