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Wes Byrne edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 18 revisions


Interactive and fun UIs are all the rage. They really do bring a new level of interaction to the screen. Just swap your UIButton's class out for CBButton and you're good to go. If you need to adjust the animations for a different feel, just make a few changes in the Attributes Instepctor.

To handle selections, do the same things you would wiht your UIButton.

  • bouncy: Enable bouncy animation when the button is touched.

  • popWhenSelected: If true, the popAnimation will run automatically when selected is set to true.

  • damping: The spring damping to apply the bounce animation

  • shrinkScale: The percentage to scale down towhen selected from the initial value (0-1)

  • popScale: The percentage to scale up to when the popAnimation is run (1+)

  • cornerRadius : Round the corners of the view to whatever radius you wish

  • circleCrop: Let autolayout do the work, CornerRadius will be set to 50% anytime your view changes size

  • borderWidth: Well, set the width of the border

  • borderColor: And the color of the border


Inspired by Facebooks Paper, this button renders various icon and animates transitions between them with core animation. And it's a subclass of CBButton so you get all the bouncy goodness.

Enum: CBIconType

  • None: No icon is displayed
  • Hamburger: The classic bar hamburger
  •  Add: A close (X) icon
  •  AngleLeft: A close (X) icon
  •  AngleRight: A right pointing cheveron (>)
  •  ArrowLeft: A left pointing arrow
  •  ArrowRight: A right pointing Arrow

setIconType(icon:animated:): Update the icon with a CBIconType and optionally animate the transition


Ever wanted a button with more than an image to the left and text to the right? Well here you go, CBButtonView. All the functionality of a UIButton with the subview of a UIView, plus the animation of CBButton. If you're in the storyboard, just drop a UIView in, add your views then drop your IBActions to the controller.

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