This script generates an ePSF (effective Point Spread Function) from a FITS image by detecting stars, extracting cutouts, and building a PSF model. The output is saved as a FITS file.
To run the script, use the following command:
epsf_generator [-h] -i IMAGE [-n NUMBER] [-f FWHM] [-s SIZE] -o OUTPUT
or --image
: path to FITS image
or --output
: path to output ePSF FITS file
or --number
: maximum number of stars to use for ePSF model (default is 100)
or --fwhm
: FWHM (full-width at half-maximum) of stars in pixels (default is 5.0)
or --size
: size of cutout in pixels around detected stars (default is 25)
or --help
: show help message and exit
Create an ePSF from an input FITS image and save it as a FITS file:
epsf_generator -i input.fits -o output.fits
This will generate an ePSF from the input.fits image with default parameters and save it as output.fits.