Basic administrative procedures.
Push all branches for code review before merging to master.
The reviewer should test code integrity.
The author of the branch should not merge.
Use Pylint
Run autopep8
Use the package "coverage" to check test coverage
Use Sphinx
All documentation with Google Python doc styling.
Steps to install
$ pip install sphinx
$ pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-napoleon
$ cd doc/
$ make
The documentation should be in _build/html
In general make an issue before a major branch and call the branch "issueXX-my_branch".
Fix #XX
, when merging the branch if issues is fixed andaddress #XX
for all commits.
Run tests before comitting. Use the following template:
# Header, 50 characters or less
# Links to tickets, fixes etc
# Main Message
# List of other changes
# Answer the following questions:
# * Why is this change necessary?
# * How does it address the issue?
# * What side effects does this change have?