Presentation materials are located in docs/
This workshop utilizes VSCode's workspace settings as well as the DevContainer standard to provide a consistent environment for all workshop participants.
To follow along, clone the repository and open the project in VS Code.
To clone the repository in VS Code, open the command palette (Ctrl Shift P on Windows/Linux, ⌘ ⇧ P on MacOS) and select the command Git: Clone
When prompted for a repository, paste the following URL:
You will be prompted to select a folder to clone the repository to.
To follow along, clone the repository here:
git clone
And open the repository with VS Code:
code oscal-2023-workshop
Opening the project in the provided DevContainer
This workshop provides a containerized environment configured with additional tools such as the OSCAL CLI.
Be sure to install the VSCode DevContainer extension.
This extension requires you to install Docker Desktop, Docker Engine, or an alternative Docker runtime such as Rancher Desktop, depending on your operating system and preferences.
Note: if you are installing Docker Engine on Linux or a WSL environment, be sure to follow Docker's post-installation steps
Once installed, this project can be re-opened by VSCode in a DevContainer by opening the command pallette (Ctrl Shift P on Windows/Linux, ⌘ ⇧ P on MacOS) and selecting Dev Containers: Reopen in Container