diff --git a/articles/batch/batch-diagnostics.md b/articles/batch/batch-diagnostics.md
index ec5627ad3ee2f..7ec968059e7b5 100644
--- a/articles/batch/batch-diagnostics.md
+++ b/articles/batch/batch-diagnostics.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ As with many Azure services, the Batch service emits log events for certain reso
## Enable diagnostic logging
Diagnostic logging is not enabled by default for your Batch account. You must explicitly enable diagnostic logging for each Batch account you want to monitor:
-[How to enable collection of Diagnostic Logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#how-to-enable-collection-of-diagnostic-logs)
+[How to enable collection of Diagnostic Logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#how-to-enable-collection-of-resource-diagnostic-logs)
We recommend that you read the full [Overview of Azure Diagnostic Logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md) article to gain an understanding of not only how to enable logging, but the log categories supported by the various Azure services. For example, Azure Batch currently supports one log category: **Service Logs**.
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index f786ed9889594..697c51076fe06 100644
--- a/articles/log-analytics/log-analytics-azure-storage.md
+++ b/articles/log-analytics/log-analytics-azure-storage.md
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Many Azure resources are able to write diagnostic logs and metrics directly to L
Azure resources that support [Azure monitor](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview.md) can send their logs and metrics directly to Log Analytics.
* For the details of the available metrics, refer to [supported metrics with Azure Monitor](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-supported-metrics.md).
-* For the details of the available logs, refer to [supported services and schema for diagnostic logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#supported-services-and-schema-for-diagnostic-logs).
+* For the details of the available logs, refer to [supported services and schema for diagnostic logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#supported-services-and-schema-for-resource-diagnostic-logs).
### Enable diagnostics with PowerShell
You need the November 2016 (v2.3.0) or later release of [Azure PowerShell](/powershell/azure/overview).
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--- a/articles/log-analytics/log-analytics-powershell-workspace-configuration.md
+++ b/articles/log-analytics/log-analytics-powershell-workspace-configuration.md
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ For agentless monitoring of Azure resources, the resources need to have Azure di
For the details of the available metrics, refer to [supported metrics with Azure Monitor](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-supported-metrics.md).
-For the details of the available logs, refer to [supported services and schema for diagnostic logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#supported-services-and-schema-for-diagnostic-logs).
+For the details of the available logs, refer to [supported services and schema for diagnostic logs](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#supported-services-and-schema-for-resource-diagnostic-logs).
$workspaceId = "/subscriptions/d2e37fee-1234-40b2-5678-0b2199de3b50/resourcegroups/oi-default-east-us/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/rollingbaskets"
diff --git a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-activity-log.md b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-activity-log.md
index 6ee1e515fac3a..c7ba684dc7b22 100644
--- a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-activity-log.md
+++ b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-activity-log.md
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ In this article, we show how you can use the Azure portal, PowerShell Cmdlets, o
Before you begin, you need to [create a storage account](../storage/storage-create-storage-account.md#create-a-storage-account) to which you can archive your Activity Log. We highly recommend that you do not use an existing storage account that has other, non-monitoring data stored in it so that you can better control access to monitoring data. However, if you are also archiving Diagnostic Logs and metrics to a storage account, it may make sense to use that storage account for your Activity Log as well to keep all monitoring data in a central location. The storage account you use must be a general purpose storage account, not a blob storage account. The storage account does not have to be in the same subscription as the subscription emitting logs as long as the user who configures the setting has appropriate RBAC access to both subscriptions.
## Log Profile
-To archive the Activity Log using any of the methods below, you set the **Log Profile** for a subscription. The Log Profile defines the type of events that are stored or streamed and the outputs—storage account and/or event hub. It also defines the retention policy (number of days to retain) for events stored in a storage account. If the retention policy is set to zero, events are stored indefinitely. Otherwise, this can be set to any value between 1 and 2147483647. Retention policies are applied per-day, so at the end of a day (UTC), logs from the day that is now beyond the retention policy will be deleted. For example, if you had a retention policy of one day, at the beginning of the day today the logs from the day before yesterday would be deleted. [You can read more about log profiles here](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-log-profiles).
+To archive the Activity Log using any of the methods below, you set the **Log Profile** for a subscription. The Log Profile defines the type of events that are stored or streamed and the outputs—storage account and/or event hub. It also defines the retention policy (number of days to retain) for events stored in a storage account. If the retention policy is set to zero, events are stored indefinitely. Otherwise, this can be set to any value between 1 and 2147483647. Retention policies are applied per-day, so at the end of a day (UTC), logs from the day that is now beyond the retention policy will be deleted. For example, if you had a retention policy of one day, at the beginning of the day today the logs from the day before yesterday would be deleted. [You can read more about log profiles here](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-a-log-profile).
## Archive the Activity Log using the portal
1. In the portal, click the **Activity Log** link on the left-side navigation. If you don’t see a link for the Activity Log, click the **More Services** link first.
diff --git a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-diagnostic-logs.md b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-diagnostic-logs.md
index 1ac6c21a85ce5..720f5bfabcf09 100644
--- a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-diagnostic-logs.md
+++ b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-archive-diagnostic-logs.md
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ In this article, we show how you can use the Azure portal, PowerShell Cmdlets, C
Before you begin, you need to [create a storage account](../storage/storage-create-storage-account.md#create-a-storage-account) to which you can archive your Diagnostic Logs. We highly recommend that you do not use an existing storage account that has other, non-monitoring data stored in it so that you can better control access to monitoring data. However, if you are also archiving your Activity Log and diagnostic metrics to a storage account, it may make sense to use that storage account for your Diagnostic Logs as well to keep all monitoring data in a central location. The storage account you use must be a general purpose storage account, not a blob storage account.
## Diagnostic Settings
-To archive your Diagnostic Logs using any of the methods below, you set a **Diagnostic Setting** for a particular resource. A diagnostic setting for a resource defines the categories of logs that are that are stored or streamed and the outputs—storage account and/or event hub. It also defines the retention policy (number of days to retain) for events of each log category stored in a storage account. If a retention policy is set to zero, events for that log category are stored indefinitely (that is to say, forever). A retention policy can otherwise be any number of days between 1 and 2147483647. [You can read more about diagnostic settings here](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#diagnostic-settings). Retention policies are applied per-day, so at the end of a day (UTC), logs from the day that is now beyond the retention policy will be deleted. For example, if you had a retention policy of one day, at the beginning of the day today the logs from the day before yesterday would be deleted
+To archive your Diagnostic Logs using any of the methods below, you set a **Diagnostic Setting** for a particular resource. A diagnostic setting for a resource defines the categories of logs that are that are stored or streamed and the outputs—storage account and/or event hub. It also defines the retention policy (number of days to retain) for events of each log category stored in a storage account. If a retention policy is set to zero, events for that log category are stored indefinitely (that is to say, forever). A retention policy can otherwise be any number of days between 1 and 2147483647. [You can read more about diagnostic settings here](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#resource-diagnostic-settings). Retention policies are applied per-day, so at the end of a day (UTC), logs from the day that is now beyond the retention policy will be deleted. For example, if you had a retention policy of one day, at the beginning of the day today the logs from the day before yesterday would be deleted
## Archive Diagnostic Logs using the portal
1. In the portal, click into the resource blade for the resource on which you would like to enable archival of Diagnostic Logs.
diff --git a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-data-sources.md b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-data-sources.md
index 54a697f4f3ff1..41f36a55d6338 100644
--- a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-data-sources.md
+++ b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-data-sources.md
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Across the Azure platform, we are bringing together monitoring data in a single
| Data type | Category | Supported Services | Methods of access |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| Azure Monitor platform-level metrics | Metrics | [See list here](monitoring-supported-metrics.md) |
- **REST API:** [Azure Monitor Metric API](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/monitor/metrics)
- **Storage blob or event hub:** [Diagnostic Settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#diagnostic-settings)
+| Azure Monitor platform-level metrics | Metrics | [See list here](monitoring-supported-metrics.md) | - **REST API:** [Azure Monitor Metric API](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/monitor/metrics)
- **Storage blob or event hub:** [Diagnostic Settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#resource-diagnostic-settings)
| Compute guest OS metrics (eg. perf counters) | Metrics | [Windows](../virtual-machines-dotnet-diagnostics.md) and Linux Virtual Machines (v2), [Cloud Services](../cloud-services/cloud-services-dotnet-diagnostics-trace-flow.md), [Service Fabric](../service-fabric/service-fabric-diagnostics-how-to-monitor-and-diagnose-services-locally.md) | - **Storage table or blob:** [Windows or Linux Azure diagnostics](../cloud-services/cloud-services-dotnet-diagnostics-storage.md)
- **Event hub:** [Windows Azure diagnostics](../event-hubs/event-hubs-streaming-azure-diags-data.md)
| Custom or application metrics | Metrics | Any application instrumented with Application Insights | - **REST API:** [Application Insights REST API](https://dev.applicationinsights.io/reference)
| Storage metrics | Metrics | Azure Storage | - **Storage table:** [Storage Analytics](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/storage-analytics)
| Billing data | Metrics | All Azure services | - **REST API:** [Azure Resource Usage and RateCard APIs](../billing/billing-usage-rate-card-overview.md)
-| Activity Log | Events | All Azure services | - **REST API:** [Azure Monitor Events API](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/monitor/events)
- **Storage blob or event hub:** [Log Profile](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-log-profiles)
-| Azure Monitor Diagnostic Logs | Events | [See list here](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#supported-services-and-schema-for-diagnostic-logs) | - **Storage blob or event hub:** [Diagnostic Settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#diagnostic-settings)
+| Activity Log | Events | All Azure services | - **REST API:** [Azure Monitor Events API](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/monitor/events)
- **Storage blob or event hub:** [Log Profile](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-a-log-profile)
+| Azure Monitor Diagnostic Logs | Events | [See list here](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#supported-services-and-schema-for-resource-diagnostic-logs) | - **Storage blob or event hub:** [Diagnostic Settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#resource-diagnostic-settings)
| Compute guest OS logs (eg. IIS, ETW, syslogs) | Events | [Windows](../virtual-machines-dotnet-diagnostics.md) and Linux Virtual Machines (v2), [Cloud Services](../cloud-services/cloud-services-dotnet-diagnostics-trace-flow.md), [Service Fabric](../service-fabric/service-fabric-diagnostics-how-to-monitor-and-diagnose-services-locally.md) | - **Storage table or blob:** [Windows or Linux Azure diagnostics](../cloud-services/cloud-services-dotnet-diagnostics-storage.md)
- **Event hub:** [Windows Azure diagnostics](../event-hubs/event-hubs-streaming-azure-diags-data.md)
| App Service logs | Events | App services | - **File, table, or blob storage:** [Web app diagnostics](../app-service-web/web-sites-enable-diagnostic-log.md)
| Storage logs | Events | Azure Storage | - **Storage table:** [Storage Analytics](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/storage-analytics)
diff --git a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-enable-diagnostic-logs-using-template.md b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-enable-diagnostic-logs-using-template.md
index c86ebec6601d0..057c4c9e1d332 100644
--- a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-enable-diagnostic-logs-using-template.md
+++ b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-enable-diagnostic-logs-using-template.md
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ In this article we show how you can use an [Azure Resource Manager template](../
The method for enabling Diagnostic Logs using a Resource Manager template depends on the resource type.
-* **Non-Compute** resources (for example, Network Security Groups, Logic Apps, Automation) use [Diagnostic Settings described in this article](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#diagnostic-settings).
+* **Non-Compute** resources (for example, Network Security Groups, Logic Apps, Automation) use [Diagnostic Settings described in this article](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#resource-diagnostic-settings).
* **Compute** (WAD/LAD-based) resources use the [WAD/LAD configuration file described in this article](../vs-azure-tools-diagnostics-for-cloud-services-and-virtual-machines.md).
In this article we describe how to configure diagnostics using either method.
diff --git a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-roles-permissions-security.md b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-roles-permissions-security.md
index b0059a5193e49..87a822672a652 100644
--- a/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-roles-permissions-security.md
+++ b/articles/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-roles-permissions-security.md
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ People assigned the Monitoring Reader role can view all monitoring data in a sub
* View monitoring dashboards in the portal and create their own private monitoring dashboards.
* Query for metrics using the [Azure Monitor REST API](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/dn931930.aspx), [PowerShell cmdlets](insights-powershell-samples.md), or [cross-platform CLI](insights-cli-samples.md).
* Query the Activity Log using the portal, Azure Monitor REST API, PowerShell cmdlets, or cross-platform CLI.
-* View the [diagnostic settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#diagnostic-settings) for a resource.
-* View the [log profile](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-log-profiles) for a subscription.
+* View the [diagnostic settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#resource-diagnostic-settings) for a resource.
+* View the [log profile](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-a-log-profile) for a subscription.
* View autoscale settings.
* View alert activity and settings.
* Access Application Insights data and view data in AI Analytics.
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ People assigned the Monitoring Reader role can view all monitoring data in a sub
People assigned the Monitoring Contributor role can view all monitoring data in a subscription and create or modify monitoring settings, but cannot modify any other resources. This role is a superset of the Monitoring Reader role, and is appropriate for members of an organization’s monitoring team or managed service providers who, in addition to the permissions above, also need to be able to:
* Publish monitoring dashboards as a shared dashboard.
-* Set [diagnostic settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#diagnostic-settings) for a resource.*
-* Set the [log profile](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-log-profiles) for a subscription.*
+* Set [diagnostic settings](monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#resource-diagnostic-settings) for a resource.*
+* Set the [log profile](monitoring-overview-activity-logs.md#export-the-activity-log-with-a-log-profile) for a subscription.*
* Set alert activity and settings.
* Create Application Insights web tests and components.
* List Log Analytics (OMS) workspace shared keys.
diff --git a/articles/virtual-network/virtual-network-nsg-manage-log.md b/articles/virtual-network/virtual-network-nsg-manage-log.md
index b7561174e988a..ed6d40f320023 100644
--- a/articles/virtual-network/virtual-network-nsg-manage-log.md
+++ b/articles/virtual-network/virtual-network-nsg-manage-log.md
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ Diagnostic logging must be enabled for *each* NSG you want to collect data for.
### Azure portal
-To use the portal to enable logging, login to the [portal](https://portal.azure.com). Click **More services**, then type *network security groups*. Select the NSG you want to enable logging for. Follow the instructions for non-compute resources in the [Enable diagnostic logs in the portal](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#enable-diagnostic-logs-in-the-portal) article. Select **NetworkSecurityGroupEvent**, **NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter**, or both categories of logs.
+To use the portal to enable logging, login to the [portal](https://portal.azure.com). Click **More services**, then type *network security groups*. Select the NSG you want to enable logging for. Follow the instructions for non-compute resources in the [Enable diagnostic logs in the portal](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#how-to-enable-collection-of-resource-diagnostic-logs) article. Select **NetworkSecurityGroupEvent**, **NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter**, or both categories of logs.
### PowerShell
-To use PowerShell to enable logging, follow the instructions in the [Enable diagnostic logs via PowerShell](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#enable-diagnostic-logs-via-powershell) article. Evaluate the following information before entering a command from the article:
+To use PowerShell to enable logging, follow the instructions in the [Enable diagnostic logs via PowerShell](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#how-to-enable-collection-of-resource-diagnostic-logs) article. Evaluate the following information before entering a command from the article:
- You can determine the value to use for the `-ResourceId` parameter by replacing the following [text], as appropriate, then entering the command `Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name [nsg-name] -ResourceGroupName [resource-group-name]`. The ID output from the command looks similar to */subscriptions/[Subscription Id]/resourceGroups/[resource-group]/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/[NSG name]*.
- If you only want to collect data from log category add `-Categories [category]` to the end of the command in the article, where category is either *NetworkSecurityGroupEvent* or *NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter*. If you don't use the `-Categories` parameter, data collection is enabled for both log categories.
### Azure command-line interface (CLI)
-To use the CLI to enable logging, follow the instructions in the [Enable diagnostic logs via CLI](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#enable-diagnostic-logs-via-cli) article. Evaluate the following information before entering a command from the article:
+To use the CLI to enable logging, follow the instructions in the [Enable diagnostic logs via CLI](../monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-overview-of-diagnostic-logs.md#how-to-enable-collection-of-resource-diagnostic-logs) article. Evaluate the following information before entering a command from the article:
- You can determine the value to use for the `-ResourceId` parameter by replacing the following [text], as appropriate, then entering the command `azure network nsg show [resource-group-name] [nsg-name]`. The ID output from the command looks similar to */subscriptions/[Subscription Id]/resourceGroups/[resource-group]/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/[NSG name]*.
- If you only want to collect data from log category add `-Categories [category]` to the end of the command in the article, where category is either *NetworkSecurityGroupEvent* or *NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter*. If you don't use the `-Categories` parameter, data collection is enabled for both log categories.