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Improved cell scroll during navigation & resize
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albertprz committed Nov 12, 2023
1 parent 76969dd commit 60443c0
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Showing 9 changed files with 131 additions and 93 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/CSS/Table.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ formulaCss = do
marginTop := px 40
marginBottom := px 10
padding := px 20
borderStyle := solid
borderColor := grey2
borderWidth := px 3
fontSize := px 20
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/Components/Table.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module App.Components.Table where
import FatPrelude
import Prim hiding (Row)

import App.Components.Table.Cell (CellValue(..), Column(..), Row(..))
import App.Components.Table.Cell (CellValue(..), mkColumn, mkRow)
import App.Components.Table.Formula (FormulaState(..))
import App.Components.Table.Handler (handleAction)
import App.Components.Table.Models (Action(..), AppState)
Expand All @@ -24,21 +24,21 @@ component =

initialState :: forall a. a -> AppState
initialState = const
{ selectedCell: { column: Column $ fromUpper 'A', row: Row 1 }
, formulaCell: { column: Column $ fromUpper 'A', row: Row 1 }
{ selectedCell: { column: mkColumn 'A', row: mkRow 1 }
, formulaCell: { column: mkColumn 'A', row: mkRow 1 }
, activeFormula: false
, activeInput: false
, formulaState: UnknownFormula
, tableData: HashMap.fromArray
[ { column: Column $ fromUpper 'A', row: Row 1 } /\ IntVal 1
, { column: Column $ fromUpper 'B', row: Row 1 } /\ IntVal 2
, { column: Column $ fromUpper 'C', row: Row 1 } /\ IntVal 3
, { column: Column $ fromUpper 'D', row: Row 1 } /\ IntVal 4
[ { column: mkColumn 'A', row: mkRow 1 } /\ IntVal 1
, { column: mkColumn 'B', row: mkRow 1 } /\ IntVal 2
, { column: mkColumn 'C', row: mkRow 1 } /\ IntVal 3
, { column: mkColumn 'D', row: mkRow 1 } /\ IntVal 4
, tableDependencies: HashMap.empty
, tableFormulas: HashMap.empty
, formulaCache: HashMap.empty
, rows: bottom .. Row 100
, rows: bottom .. mkRow 100
, multiSelection: NoSelection
, selectionState: NotStartedSelection
, draggedHeader: Nothing
Expand Down
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions src/Components/Table/Cell.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ parseCellValue input =
fromRight (StringVal input) (runParser cellValueParser input)

rowParser :: Parser Row
rowParser = Row <$> unsignedInt
rowParser = mkRow <$> unsignedInt

columnParser :: Parser Column
columnParser = Column <<< fromUpper <$> upper
columnParser = mkColumn <$> upper

cellParser :: Parser Cell
cellParser = do
Expand All @@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ getCell
:: (Int -> Int)
-> Cell
-> Maybe Cell
getCell f cell =
getColumnCell (over Column f) cell
<|> getRowCell (over Row f) cell
getCell f cell = getColumnCell (over Column f) cell
<|> (_ { column = column } <$> getRowCell (over Row f) cell)
column = if cell.column == top then bottom else top

:: (Column -> Column)
Expand All @@ -67,12 +68,6 @@ getRowCell f { column, row } =
prevColumnCell :: Cell -> Cell
prevColumnCell { column, row } = { column: dec column, row }

nextColumnCell :: Cell -> Cell
nextColumnCell { column, row } = { column: inc column, row }

prevRowCell :: Cell -> Cell
prevRowCell { column, row } = { column, row: dec row }

nextRowCell :: Cell -> Cell
nextRowCell { column, row } = { column, row: inc row }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,10 +103,16 @@ swapTableMapRow origin target tableDict =
(HashMap.keys tableDict)

allColumns :: NonEmptyArray Column
allColumns = allValues
allColumns = enumValues

allRows :: NonEmptyArray Row
allRows = allValues
allRows = enumValues

mkColumn :: Char -> Column
mkColumn = Column <<< fromUpper

mkRow :: Int -> Row
mkRow = Row

newtype Column = Column Int

Expand Down
40 changes: 18 additions & 22 deletions src/Components/Table/Handler.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,40 +3,41 @@ module App.Components.Table.Handler where
import FatPrelude

import App.CSS.Ids (formulaBoxId, formulaCellInputId, inputElement, selectedCellInputId)
import App.Components.Table.Cell (CellMove(..), Header(..), getColumnHeader, getRowHeader, swapTableMapColumn, swapTableMapRow)
import App.Components.Table.Cell (CellMove(..), Header(..), getColumnHeader, getRowHeader, mkColumn, mkRow, swapTableMapColumn, swapTableMapRow)
import App.Components.Table.Formula (FormulaState(..))
import App.Components.Table.HandlerHelpers (cellArrowMove, cellMove, copyCells, deleteCells, insertFormula, loadPrelude, pasteCells, refreshCells, selectAllCells, selectCell, setRows)
import App.Components.Table.HandlerHelpers (cellArrowMove, cellMove, copyCells, deleteCells, insertFormula, loadPrelude, pasteCells, refreshCells, selectAllCells, selectCell, subscribeSelectionChange, subscribeWindowResize)
import App.Components.Table.Models (Action(..), AppState, EventTransition(..))
import App.Components.Table.Selection (MultiSelection(..), SelectionState(..))
import App.Evaluator.Formula (mkLocalContext)
import App.Utils.Dom (KeyCode(..), actOnElementById, ctrlKey, displayFunctionType, emptyFormulaBox, emptyFormulaSignature, focusById, focusCell, focusCellElem, performSyntaxHighlight, prevent, shiftKey, toMouseEvent, withPrevent)
import App.Utils.HashMap (lookup2) as HashMap
import Data.HashMap (insert, member) as HashMap
import Data.Set as Set
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.Query.Event (eventListener)
import Web.Event.Event (EventType(..))
import Halogen (HalogenM)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement (setContentEditable)
import Web.HTML.Window (document)
import Web.HTML.Window (scroll)
import Web.UIEvent.WheelEvent (deltaX, deltaY)

:: forall slots o m
. MonadAff m
=> Action
-> H.HalogenM AppState Action slots o m Unit
-> HalogenM AppState Action slots o m Unit

handleAction Initialize = do
actOnElementById formulaBoxId $ setContentEditable "true"
document' <- liftEffect $ document =<< window
H.subscribe' \_ -> eventListener
(EventType "selectionchange")
(HTMLDocument.toEventTarget document')
(const $ Just SelectionChange)
handleAction ResizeWindow

handleAction ResizeWindow = do
{ selectedCell } <- get
void $ selectCell $ OtherCell { column: mkColumn 'A', row: mkRow 1000 }
void $ selectCell $ OtherCell { column: mkColumn 'A', row: mkRow 1 }
void $ selectCell $ OtherCell selectedCell
liftEffect $ scroll 0 0 =<< window

handleAction (WriteSelectedCellInput cell) =
traverse_ (selectCell <<< OtherCell) cell
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,13 +76,8 @@ handleAction (FormulaKeyDown (CharKeyCode 'G') ev)
handleAction (FormulaKeyDown _ _) =
modify_ _ { formulaState = UnknownFormula }

handleAction (FormulaKeyUp x ev)
| elem x [ Space, Tab, Delete, Comma ]
|| elem x (OtherKeyCode <$> [ "BracketLeft", "BracketRight" ])
|| shiftKey ev
&& elem x (DigitKeyCode <$> [ 9, 0 ]) =
| otherwise = pure unit
handleAction (FormulaKeyUp _ _) =

handleAction (FocusInFormula _) =
whenM (not <$> gets _.activeFormula)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,7 +138,7 @@ handleAction (KeyDown Enter ev)
{ activeInput = not st.activeInput }
focusCellElem selectedCell $ whenMaybe activeInput inputElement

handleAction (KeyDown Tab ev) = selectCell move
handleAction (KeyDown Tab ev) = withPrevent ev $ selectCell move
| shiftKey ev = PrevCell
Expand Down
83 changes: 54 additions & 29 deletions src/Components/Table/HandlerHelpers.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ import Prim hiding (Row)

import App.Components.Table.Cell (Cell, CellMove, Column, Row(..), columnParser, rowParser)
import App.Components.Table.Formula (FormulaId, FormulaState(..), getDependencies, newFormulaId, toDependenciesMap)
import App.Components.Table.Models (AppState)
import App.Components.Table.Models (Action(..), AppState)
import App.Components.Table.Selection (MultiSelection(..), SelectionState(..), computeNextSelection, deserializeSelectionValues, getCellFromMove, getTargetCells, serializeSelectionValues)
import App.Interpreter.Formula (runFormula)
import App.Interpreter.Module (reloadModule)
import App.Utils.Dom (class IsEvent, emptyFormulaBox, focusCell, getClipboard, getFormulaBoxContents, getVisibleCols, getVisibleRows, parseElements, scrollByX, shiftKey, withPrevent)
import App.Utils.Dom (class IsEvent, emptyFormulaBox, focusCell, getClipboard, getFormulaBoxContents, getVisibleCols, getVisibleRows, parseElements, scrollCellLeft, scrollCellRight, shiftKey, withPrevent)
import App.Utils.HashMap (updateJust) as HashMap
import Bookhound.Parser (runParser)
import Data.HashMap (delete, insert, keys, lookup, union, unionWith) as HashMap
Expand All @@ -20,11 +20,15 @@ import Data.Tree (Forest)
import Effect.Class.Console as Logger
import Foreign (ForeignError, readString, unsafeToForeign)
import Foreign.Index ((!))
import Halogen (HalogenM, subscribe')
import Halogen.Query.Event (eventListener)
import Promise.Aff as Promise
import Web.Clipboard (readText, writeText)
import Web.DOM (Element)
import Web.DOM.Element (scrollWidth)
import Web.Event.Event (EventType(..))
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument
import Web.HTML.Window as Window
import Web.UIEvent.KeyboardEvent (KeyboardEvent)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,32 +114,30 @@ getPrelude = runExceptT
:: forall m. MonadEffect m => MonadState AppState m => CellMove -> m Unit
selectCell move = do
originCell <- gets _.selectedCell
{ selectedCell, rows } <- modify \st -> st
target <- goToCell move
modify_ _
{ activeInput = false
, multiSelection = NoSelection
, selectedCell = getCellFromMove move st.selectedCell
, selectedCell = target
visibleCols <- getVisibleCols
visibleRows <- getVisibleRows
goToCell visibleCols visibleRows rows originCell selectedCell

:: forall m
. MonadEffect m
=> MonadState AppState m
=> Array Element
-> Array Element
-> NonEmptyArray Row
-> Cell
-> Cell
-> m Unit
goToCell visibleCols visibleRows rows origin target = do
=> CellMove
-> m Cell
goToCell move = do
{ rows, selectedCell: origin } <- get
let target = getCellFromMove move origin
visibleCols <- getVisibleCols
visibleRows <- getVisibleRows
cols <- parseElements parseColumns visibleCols
adjustRows (length visibleRows - 1) target.row
(maximum1 rows)
(minimum1 rows)
liftEffect $ goToCellHelper cols origin target visibleCols
pure target
parseColumns = hush <<< runParser columnParser

Expand All @@ -147,28 +149,29 @@ goToCellHelper
-> Effect Unit
goToCellHelper cols origin { column, row } visibleCols

| last' cols == Just column && top /= origin.column = do
width <- traverse scrollWidth $ head' visibleCols
scrollByX (coalesce width + 1.0) =<< window
| last' cols == Just column && origin.column /= top
, Just element <- head' visibleCols = do
scrollCellRight element

| head' cols == Just column && bottom /= origin.column = do
width <- traverse scrollWidth $ last' visibleCols
scrollByX (-(coalesce width + 1.0)) =<< window
| head' cols == Just column && origin.column /= bottom
, Just element <- head' visibleCols = do
scrollCellLeft element

| otherwise = focusCell { column, row }

:: forall m. MonadState AppState m => Int -> Row -> Row -> Row -> m Unit
adjustRows rowRange currentRow maxRow minRow

| inc currentRow > maxRow = modify_ _
{ rows = clampBounded (currentRow - wrap (inc rowRange))
.. clampBounded (inc currentRow)
| inc currentRow > maxRow =
modify_ _
{ rows = clampBounded (currentRow - wrap (rowRange))
.. clampBounded (inc currentRow)

| currentRow < minRow = modify_ _
{ rows = clampBounded currentRow
.. clampBounded (currentRow + wrap rowRange)
{ rows = clampBounded (currentRow)
.. clampBounded (currentRow + wrap (rowRange))

| otherwise = pure unit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +254,29 @@ setRows = do
let Row (firstRow) = head rows
visibleRows <- parseElements parseRow =<< getVisibleRows
modify_ _
{ rows = Row <$> firstRow .. (firstRow + length visibleRows - 2) }
{ rows = Row <$> firstRow .. (firstRow + length visibleRows + 2) }
focusCell selectedCell
parseRow = hush <<< runParser rowParser

:: forall slots o m
. MonadEffect m
=> HalogenM AppState Action slots o m Unit
subscribeSelectionChange = do
doc <- liftEffect $ Window.document =<< window
subscribe' \_ -> eventListener
(EventType "selectionchange")
(HTMLDocument.toEventTarget doc)
(const $ Just SelectionChange)

:: forall slots o m
. MonadEffect m
=> HalogenM AppState Action slots o m Unit
subscribeWindowResize = do
window' <- liftEffect window
subscribe' \_ -> eventListener
(EventType "resize")
(Window.toEventTarget window')
(const $ Just ResizeWindow)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Components/Table/Models.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ data Action
| HoverHeader EventTransition Header MouseEvent
| DragHeader EventTransition Header DragEvent
| SelectionChange
| ResizeWindow

data EventTransition
= Start
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FatPrelude.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module FatPrelude
) where

import App.Utils.Array (arr2, deleteAt', drop', dropEnd', findIndex', findLastIndex', head', index', init', insertAt', intersperse', last', slice', sliceNext', splitAt', tail', take', takeEnd', toArray', uncons', unsnoc', updateAt', zip', zipWith') as X
import App.Utils.Bounded (allValues, clampBounded, getInBoundedRange, inBoundedRange, inRange, (..)) as X
import App.Utils.Bounded (clampBounded, enumValues, getInBoundedRange, inBoundedRange, inRange, (..)) as X
import App.Utils.Char (fromUpper, nextChar, prevChar, toUpper, upperEndCode, upperStartCode) as X
import App.Utils.Common (partialMaybe) as X
import App.Utils.Foldable (findMapEither, intercalate1, maximum1, maximumBy1, minimum1, minimumBy1) as X
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Utils/Bounded.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ import Prelude
import App.Utils.Maybe (whenMaybe')
import App.Utils.Number (inc)
import Bookhound.FatPrelude (class Newtype)
import Data.Enum (class Enum, Cardinality, enumFromTo)
import Data.Enum (class BoundedEnum, Cardinality, enumFromTo)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap, wrap)
import Data.Unfoldable1 (class Unfoldable1)

infixr 8 enumFromTo as ..

allValues :: forall a f. Enum a => Unfoldable1 f => Bounded a => f a
allValues = enumFromTo bottom top
enumValues :: forall a f. BoundedEnum a => Unfoldable1 f => f a
enumValues = enumFromTo bottom top

getInBoundedRange :: forall a. Bounded a => a -> Maybe a
getInBoundedRange = whenMaybe' inBoundedRange
Expand Down

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