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Deploy microservices on K8S


  • You have Docker installed
  • You have a DockerHUB user
  • You have a Minikube cluster up and running with kubectl CLI already configured to access it
  • You setup all the infrastructure components as showed in lab 06 - Install infrastructure components on K8S

Deploy Customser microservice

Build the image (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker build --build-arg MVN_ARGS=-DskipTests  -t <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT ../02-eCommerce_microservices/customer/
Successfully built af34dc2c05d5
Successfully tagged dennydgl1/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Authenticate with DockerHUB (insert your credentials if prompted)

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Push the image on DockerHUB (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker push <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1.0-SNAPSHOT: digest: sha256:b51a9a0f4a1e640d5e91bce08a6b0a8e40403d704fead46fc83043a40ded0db0 size: 1366

Create the ConfigMap object to store file

$ kubectl create configmap customer-conf --from-file ../02-eCommerce_microservices/customer/src/main/resources/
configmap/customer-conf created

Modify the image name in customer-ms.yaml file, in order to reflect the one you used in the previous steps (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

 image: <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f customer-ms.yaml
deployment.apps/customer-deployment created
service/customer-service created

Check if everything went fine

$ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -l app=customer
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/customer-deployment   1/1     1            1           23s

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/customer-deployment-6df99bcbd4-dwgpr   1/1     Running   0          23s

NAME                       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/customer-service   NodePort   <none>        8102:32102/TCP   23s

Invoke the microservice (please substitute <K8S NODE> placeholder with the IP address of one Kubernetes node):

$ curl <K8S NODE>:32102/customers-service/v2/customers/

You should get an empty array just because at this stage the database is empty.

Deploy Order microservice

Build the image (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker build --build-arg MVN_ARGS=-DskipTests  -t <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/order:1.0-SNAPSHOT ../02-eCommerce_microservices/order/
Successfully built af34dc2c05d5
Successfully tagged dennydgl1/order:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Authenticate with DockerHUB (insert your credentials if prompted)

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Push the image on DockerHUB (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker push <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/order:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1.0-SNAPSHOT: digest: sha256:b51a9a0f4a1e640d5e91bce08a6b0a8e40403d704fead46fc83043a40ded0db0 size: 1366

Create the ConfigMap object to store file

$ kubectl create configmap order-conf --from-file ../02-eCommerce_microservices/order/src/main/resources/
configmap/order-conf created

Modify the image name in order-ms.yaml file, in order to reflect the one you used in the previous steps (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)


Apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f order-ms.yaml
deployment.apps/order-deployment created
service/order-service created

Check if everything went fine

$ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -l app=order
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/order-deployment   1/1     1            1           23s

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/order-deployment-6df99bcbd4-dwgpr   1/1     Running   0          23s

NAME                       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/order-service   NodePort   <none>        8103:32103/TCP   23s

Invoke the microservice (please substitute <K8S NODE> placeholder with the IP address of one Kubernetes node):

$ curl <K8S NODE>:32103/orders-service/v2/orders/

You should get an empty array just because at this stage the database is empty.

Deploy Notification microservice

Build the image (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker build --build-arg MVN_ARGS=-DskipTests  -t <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT ../02-eCommerce_microservices/notification/
Successfully built af34dc2c05d5
Successfully tagged dennydgl1/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Authenticate with DockerHUB (insert your credentials if prompted)

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Push the image on DockerHUB (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker push <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1.0-SNAPSHOT: digest: sha256:b51a9a0f4a1e640d5e91bce08a6b0a8e40403d704fead46fc83043a40ded0db0 size: 1366

Create the ConfigMap object to store file

$ kubectl create configmap notification-conf --from-file ../02-eCommerce_microservices/notification/src/main/resources/
configmap/notification-conf created

Modify the image name in notification-ms.yaml file, in order to reflect the one you used in the previous steps (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

 image: <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f notification-ms.yaml
deployment.apps/notification-deployment created
service/notification-service created

Check if everything went fine

$ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -l app=notification
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/notification-deployment   1/1     1            1           23s

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/notification-deployment-6df99bcbd4-dwgpr   1/1     Running   0          23s

When finished, remember to remove all the microservices you created so far (a part from the infrastructure components that must be kept running) in order to make room for the next lab.

$ kubectl delete cm,deploy,pod,svc -l app=notification,order,customer