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Raybox-zero (top_raybox_zero_fsm, or simply "trzf") is working on GFMPW-1!
Here the GFMPW-1 chip is running at 5V in the Caravel 5V board. The Caravel RISC-V CPU is running the trzf_test firmware to enable the Caravel DLL with a 2.5x multiplier (to generate a 25MHz system clock from the 10MHz source) and then select and reset design 0 (trzf, 1st instance).
I've got basic 5V-to-3.3V level shifters for the 8 VGA signals, so they can work with a TinyVGA board which is 3.3V-only.
See the GPIO map for essential pins...
I've tied the following inputs:
high: Generated textures (instead of external texture SPI ROM).debug_vec
high: Enable all debugging visualisations (POV vector bits at the bottom, map and trace states at the top).inc_px
high: Enable demo animation (player sliding sideways).reg_outs_enb
low: Enable 'registered' VGA outputs. I think without this I sometimes see a little more flicker (or maybe that was just when it was floating).
There is some flickering going on in the POV vector debug overlay -- this fringing flickers constantly:
I'm not sure whether this is a timing issue with the chip, or (hopefully more likely) something resulting from the basic logic level shifters. If it IS a timing issue, though, it's interesting that it manifests here and not in (say) the map. I could try running this at higher and lower clock speeds. Minimum for my monitor is probably 24MHz, but max is I think around 30MHz.
NOTE: At 10MHz, the chip gets warm, but at 25MHz it gets hot! Need to try taking a measurement.
Next step is to try making an adaptation of RP2040 MicroPython code from the versions used for TT04 (with external SPI control) and CI2311 (for better overall implementation).
I'll use my RP2040 board again.
- Plug in the RP2040 board via USB. It has no firmare on the Flash ROM already, so it presents as a USB storage device in Windows. If it DID already have firmware, ground the USB_BOOT pin while plugging in.
- I'm downloading and using the Pi Pico version of MicroPython 1.23.0 for my RP2040 board.
- Drag the
file onto theRPI-RP2
drive to upload it and get it running. - On this occasion, Windows identifies it as COM6. Use the REPL in Thonny to test MicroPython (picking COM6 in the bottom-right corner):
machine.freq() # => 125000000 or 125MHz. # Drop RP2040 system clock to 20MHz: machine.freq(int(20e6)) # 20MHz seems to be the lowest. # Start blinking D3 LED: d3 = machine.PWM(17) d3.freq(2) d3.duty_u16(32767) # 50% duty cycle
- Replug the board, reconnect in Thonny, and try the code above again.
- Connect GND of RP2040 board and Caravel board.
- Connect RP2040 GP1 to ASIC's
(GPIO29); map overlay will probably disappear. - Try MicroPython code to turn the map overlay on and off:
map = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.OUT) # GP15 is D4 # Turn it on: map.value(1) # Turn it off: map.value(0)
Let's try using the "registers" SPI interface:
GFMPW-1 | RP2040 |
GPIO[25]: i_reg_csb | GP1: Software CSb |
GPIO[26]: i_reg_sclk | GP2: Hardware SCLK |
GPIO[27]: i_reg_mosi | GP3: Hardware MOSI |
This code successfully sets the floor colour to a sea green:
from machine import Pin, SPI
reg_csb = Pin(1, Pin.OUT)
reg = SPI(0, baudrate=5_000_000, sck=Pin(2), mosi=Pin(3), miso=Pin(4))
reg_csb.value(1) # Disable.
reg_csb.value(0) # Start SPI transaction.
# payload += '0' * (-len(payload) % 8) # Right-pad to a multiple of 8 bits.
cmd = '0001' # CMD_FLOOR
pad = '000000' # Dummy padding. Why is this needed? Check GFMPW-1 Verilog
color = '101100' # Blue: 10, Green: 11, Red: 00
payload = '0001' + pad + color
payload = int(payload,2).to_bytes(len(payload)//8, 'bin') # Convert a bytearray.
reg.write(payload) # Send it.
reg_csb.value(1) # End transaction.
- It appears that sending this bit stream via SPI will not give us what we want:
(16 bits) -- It interprets the leading0001
command correctly, but seems to discard the101100
and then uses the remaining000000
bits as the colour (i.e. black). - I suspect it would work if we sent exactly
(10 bits) -- I guess in this implementation, once the command is interpreted, the following bits just rotate through a limited buffer? I thought instead that it would actually just process the first 10 bits as one transaction, then start another. - If we have to send whole bytes (typical of SPI), then we can do it this way:
-- wherex
are "don't care" (can be 0 or 1) because they get discarded anyway.
- Work out why the reg SPI works the way it does -- Check the Verilog.
- Try adapting my existing raybox_game code to support this chip/interface.