Recently the publishing-api has begun to validate incoming payloads against the govuk-content-schemas.
How it works now:
- The schemas are manually "deployed" using a task in Jenkins that copies over the schemas to the publishing-api
- Pull requests on publishing apps are tested against the master branch of govuk-content-schemas (example)
- Pull requests on govuk-content-schemas are tested against the master branch of the downstream applications (example)
This opens up two issues that could cause the publishing-api to reject valid content, causing errors or delays for editors.
- You add a field to govuk-content-schemas, but don't deploy
- You add the field to the content item payload in the publisher application. The PR will be green because the new payload is valid to the content schema on master
- PR gets merged and deployed
- Now the app will fail on production because publishing-api doesn't know about your new attribute yet
- You want to remove an attribute from govuk-content-schemas. You remove it from the payload in the publisher application.
- The PR is merged, but the application is not yet deployed to production.
- Raise a PR on content-schemas to remove the payload. Downstream apps pass because the publisher app master isn't sending the attribute anymore.
- When you deploy govuk-content-schemas the publisher app will be sending invalid content.
This RFC proposes:
- Application tests are to be run against the deployed version of govuk-content-schemas
- Pull requests on govuk-content-schemas are to be tested against the deployed version of the downstream applications
The scenarios above now can't happen:
- You add a field to govuk-content-schemas, but don't deploy
- You add the field to the content item payload in the publisher application. The PR will not pass because the new payload is invalid against the released-to-production branch of content-schemas
- You want to remove an attribute from govuk-content-schemas. You remove it from the payload in the publisher application.
- The PR is merged, but the application is not yet deployed to production.
- Raise a PR on content-schemas to remove the payload. Downstream apps do not pass because the publisher app still has the attribute in released-to-production
Because we don't deploy automatically to production, there's a situation that will cause a PR to get merged that will fail on production:
- Add an attribute to govuk-content-schemas. Merge the PR & deploy to production.
- Raise PR to send this attribute from the publisher application. Your tests pass (because it's testing against released-to-production schemas)
- Merge the PR on the publisher application (but do not deploy)
- Now raise a PR to remove attribute from content schemas. Because the change hasn't been deployed the tests pass will pass. Merge it.
- If you deploy the PR on the publisher application now, the publisher app will start sending invalid data to the publishing-api and fail
To illustrate how schema changes take place, we've made some diagrams describing the process.