Version 1.0.1 of the UMANS software.
To download the source code for this version, use the 'Source code' link above and choose the file type you want.
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Release notes
- The console application now measures and reports the running time.
- [#88] The console application now correctly uses the "number of threads" parameter.
- PowerLaw: Now ignoring collisions that are more than tau0 seconds away.
- WorldToric: Fixed a mix-up of x and y.
Performance improvements:
- PhantomAgent now caches values that were often re-computed.
- Faster construction of nearest-neighbor lists.
- More parallel-friendly use of pointers.
- Decreased the "range" (neighbor distance) from 100 to 5 meters in all example policies. This changes the output slightly, but it is crucial for efficiency.
- GoalReachingForce, RandomFunction: Decreased the default "range" to 0, as these functions do not use any neighbors.
Other improvements:
- Modernized CostFunctionFactory, using C++ templates instead of C macros.