We are preparing an environment for long-running tasks, like calculations, consuming webservices, document generation, ... .
The environment is prepared for code execution on any programming language from the lis:
- javascript / nodeJS
- python
- php
The code can by one simple function
- different languages but the same name of functions to use in any projects one standard
- Increased developer productivity and faster development time
- Functions can be written in almost any programming language
- denofunc.com
- golangfunc.com
- javafunc.com
- luafunc.com
- nodejsfunc.com
- phpfunc.com
- pyfunc.com
- rubyfunc.com
- rustfunc.com
- shellfunc.com
The project is supported by API Foundation
We started in 2018 with few concepts but one idea: fastest development. Now, in 2020 we are giving solutions:
- APIexec - executor library for shell scripts
- APIcra - shell scripts libraries
- APIunit - definition of application, CI, CD
- APIbuild - build process definition, focused on quality, versioning
- APIsql - data bases, queries, models