- What are the steps to detecting a cycle in a graph?
- What is currying?
- What extra features do you get when using lodash.curry?
- Why might you use currying?
- What is the rationale for writing services?
- What are the 9 areas of inquiry that you you should define froma high level before diving into implementation?
- compare ACID vs. BASE
- What is consistent hashing?
- What is optimistic vs. pessimistic locking?
- What is strong vs. eventual consistency?
- Compare and contrast SQL vs. NoSQL vis a vis the above
- Why is caching important in system design?
- Intro to System Design
- We'll be spending today and tomorrow on the above video. Try to make it through half.
- Advanced Currying
- Read the 'Advanced Currying Implementation'
- Review Anki.
- Reach out to 2 people
- Apply to 5 jobs