diff --git a/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio.ino b/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio.ino
index c2de4f629531..a83b3a03f80f 100644
--- a/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio.ino
+++ b/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio.ino
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#if (defined(USE_I2S_AUDIO) || defined(USE_TTGO_WATCH) || defined(USE_M5STACK_CORE2) || defined(ESP32S3_BOX))
* I2S support using an external DAC or a speaker connected to GPIO03 using a transistor
@@ -765,3 +765,4 @@ bool Xdrv42(uint32_t function) {
#endif // USE_I2S_AUDIO
+#endif // ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR < 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio_idf51.ino b/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio_idf51.ino
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7926ffede69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasmota/tasmota_xdrv_driver/xdrv_42_0_i2s_audio_idf51.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+ xdrv_42_i2s_audio.ino - Audio dac support for Tasmota
+ Copyright (C) 2021 Gerhard Mutz and Theo Arends
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+#if defined(USE_I2S_AUDIO)
+#define XDRV_42 42
+#include "driver/i2s_std.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#include "AudioFileSourcePROGMEM.h"
+#include "AudioFileSourceID3.h"
+#include "AudioGeneratorMP3.h"
+#include "AudioFileSourceFS.h"
+#include "AudioGeneratorTalkie.h"
+#include "AudioFileSourceICYStream.h"
+#include "AudioFileSourceBuffer.h"
+#include "AudioGeneratorAAC.h"
+#undef AUDIO_PWR_ON
+#define AUDIO_PWR_ON
+#define AUDIO_PWR_OFF
+#define USE_I2S_RTTTL
+#define USE_I2S_SAY_TIME
+class AudioOutputI2S : public AudioOutput
+ public:
+ AudioOutputI2S(){
+ hertz = 44100;
+ i2sOn = false;
+ channels = I2S_SLOT_MODE_STEREO;
+ mono = false;
+ output_mode = EXTERNAL_I2S;
+ tx_is_enabled = false;
+ }
+ ~AudioOutputI2S(){
+ if(i2sOn){
+ this->stop();
+ i2s_del_channel(tx_chan);
+ }
+ }
+ bool SetBitsPerSample(int bits)
+ {
+ if ( (bits != 16) && (bits != 8) ) return false;
+ this->bps = bits;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool SetChannels(int channels)
+ {
+ if ( (channels < 1) || (channels > 2) ) return false;
+ if (channels == (int)this->channels) return true;
+ this->channels = channels;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool SetRate(int hz){
+ if (hz == (int)this->hertz) return true;
+ this->hertz = hz;
+ if(i2sOn){
+ int result = updateClockConfig();
+ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,PSTR("I2S: SetRate: %i - %i"),hz, result);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool SetPinout(){
+ return this->startI2SChannel();
+ }
+ bool begin(){
+ if(tx_is_enabled) return true;
+ int result = i2s_channel_enable(tx_chan);
+ if(result != 0){
+ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("I2S: Could not enable i2s_channel: %i"), result);
+ return false;
+ }
+ tx_is_enabled = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool stop(){
+ i2s_channel_disable(tx_chan);
+ tx_is_enabled = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool ConsumeSample(int16_t sample[2])
+ {
+ if (!tx_is_enabled)
+ return false;
+ int16_t ms[2];
+ ms[0] = sample[0];
+ ms[1] = sample[1];
+ MakeSampleStereo16( ms );
+ if (this->mono) {
+ // Average the two samples and overwrite
+ int32_t ttl = ms[LEFTCHANNEL] + ms[RIGHTCHANNEL];
+ ms[LEFTCHANNEL] = ms[RIGHTCHANNEL] = (ttl>>1) & 0xffff;
+ }
+ uint32_t s32;
+ if (output_mode == INTERNAL_DAC)
+ {
+ int16_t l = Amplify(ms[LEFTCHANNEL]) + 0x8000;
+ int16_t r = Amplify(ms[RIGHTCHANNEL]) + 0x8000;
+ s32 = (r << 16) | (l & 0xffff);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s32 = ((Amplify(ms[RIGHTCHANNEL])) << 16) | (Amplify(ms[LEFTCHANNEL]) & 0xffff);
+ }
+ size_t i2s_bytes_written;
+ i2s_channel_write(tx_chan, (const void*)&s32, sizeof(uint32_t), &i2s_bytes_written, 0);
+ return i2s_bytes_written;
+ }
+ private:
+ enum : int { EXTERNAL_I2S = 0, INTERNAL_DAC = 1, INTERNAL_PDM = 2 };
+ int output_mode;
+ bool i2sOn;
+ bool mono;
+ i2s_chan_handle_t tx_chan;
+ bool tx_is_enabled;
+ bool startI2SChannel(){
+ i2s_chan_config_t tx_chan_cfg = I2S_CHANNEL_DEFAULT_CONFIG(I2S_NUM_AUTO, I2S_ROLE_MASTER);
+ i2s_new_channel(&tx_chan_cfg, &tx_chan, NULL);
+ i2s_std_config_t tx_std_cfg = {
+ .clk_cfg = I2S_STD_CLK_DEFAULT_CONFIG(hertz),
+ .slot_cfg = I2S_STD_MSB_SLOT_DEFAULT_CONFIG((i2s_data_bit_width_t)bps, (i2s_slot_mode_t)channels),
+ .gpio_cfg = {
+ .mclk = (gpio_num_t)Pin(GPIO_I2S_MCLK),
+ .bclk = (gpio_num_t)Pin(GPIO_I2S_BCLK),
+ .ws = (gpio_num_t)Pin(GPIO_I2S_WS),
+ .dout = (gpio_num_t)Pin(GPIO_I2S_DOUT),
+ .din = (gpio_num_t)Pin(GPIO_I2S_DIN),
+ .invert_flags = {
+ .mclk_inv = false,
+ .bclk_inv = false,
+ .ws_inv = false,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ i2sOn = (i2s_channel_init_std_mode(tx_chan, &tx_std_cfg) == 0);
+ return i2sOn;
+ }
+ int updateClockConfig(){
+ i2s_channel_disable(tx_chan);
+ i2s_std_clk_config_t clk_cfg = I2S_STD_CLK_DEFAULT_CONFIG(hertz);
+ clk_cfg.clk_src = I2S_CLK_SRC_APLL;
+ int result = i2s_channel_reconfig_std_clock(tx_chan, &clk_cfg );
+ if(tx_is_enabled) i2s_channel_enable(tx_chan);
+ return result;
+ }
+typedef union {
+ uint8_t data;
+ struct {
+ uint8_t master : 1;
+ uint8_t enabled : 1;
+ uint8_t swap_mic : 1;
+ uint8_t mode : 2;
+ };
+struct AUDIO_I2S_t {
+ uint8_t is2_volume; // should be in settings
+ AudioGeneratorMP3 *mp3 = nullptr;
+ AudioFileSourceFS *file;
+ AudioOutputI2S *out;
+ AudioFileSourceID3 *id3;
+ AudioGeneratorMP3 *decoder = NULL;
+ void *mp3ram = NULL;
+ // Webradio
+ AudioFileSourceICYStream *ifile = NULL;
+ AudioFileSourceBuffer *buff = NULL;
+ char wr_title[64];
+ void *preallocateBuffer = NULL;
+ void *preallocateCodec = NULL;
+ uint32_t retryms = 0;
+ TaskHandle_t mp3_task_h;
+ TaskHandle_t mic_task_h;
+ uint32_t mic_size;
+ uint32_t mic_rate;
+ uint8_t *mic_buff;
+ char mic_path[32];
+ uint8_t mic_channels;
+ File fwp;
+ uint8_t mic_stop;
+ int8_t mic_error;
+ int8_t mic_mclk = -1;
+ int8_t mic_bclk = -1;
+ int8_t mic_ws = -1;
+ int8_t mic_din = -1;
+ int8_t mic_dout = -1;
+ uint8_t mic_gain = 1;
+ bool use_stream = false;
+ i2s_port_t mic_port;
+ uint32_t recdur;
+ uint8_t stream_active;
+ uint8_t stream_enable;
+ WiFiClient client;
+ ESP8266WebServer *MP3Server;
+ uint8_t mode;
+ BRIDGE_MODE bridge_mode;
+ WiFiUDP i2s_bridge_udp;
+ WiFiUDP i2s_bridgec_udp;
+ IPAddress i2s_bridge_ip;
+ TaskHandle_t i2s_bridge_h;
+ int8_t ptt_pin = -1;
+} audio_i2s;
+extern FS *ufsp;
+extern FS *ffsp;
+const int preallocateBufferSize = 16*1024;
+const int preallocateCodecSize = 29192; // MP3 codec max mem needed
+//const int preallocateCodecSize = 85332; // AAC+SBR codec max mem needed
+enum : int { APLL_AUTO = -1, APLL_ENABLE = 1, APLL_DISABLE = 0 };
+enum : int { EXTERNAL_I2S = 0, INTERNAL_DAC = 1, INTERNAL_PDM = 2 };
+void sayTime(int hour, int minutes);
+void Cmd_MicRec(void);
+void Cmd_wav2mp3(void);
+void Cmd_Time(void);
+void Rtttl(char *buffer);
+void Cmd_I2SRtttl(void);
+// void copy_micpars(uint32_t port) {
+// audio_i2s.mic_mclk = audio_i2s.mclk;
+// audio_i2s.mic_bclk = audio_i2s.bclk;
+// audio_i2s.mic_ws = audio_i2s.ws;
+// audio_i2s.mic_dout = audio_i2s.dout;
+// audio_i2s.mic_din = audio_i2s.din;
+// audio_i2s.mic_port = (i2s_port_t)port;
+// }
+int32_t I2S_Init_0(void) {
+ if(Pin(GPIO_I2S_BCLK) == -1 || Pin(GPIO_I2S_WS) == -1 || Pin(GPIO_I2S_DOUT) == -1){
+ return -1;
+ }
+ audio_i2s.out = new AudioOutputI2S;
+ bool result = audio_i2s.out->SetPinout();
+ if (result){
+ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("I2S: init pins bclk=%d, ws=%d, dout=%d, mclk=%d, din=%d"), Pin(GPIO_I2S_BCLK) , Pin(GPIO_I2S_WS), Pin(GPIO_I2S_DOUT), Pin(GPIO_I2S_MCLK), Pin(GPIO_I2S_DIN));
+ }
+ else{
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // if (audio_i2s.mic_port != 0) {
+ // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Init audio I2S mic: port=%d, bclk=%d, ws=%d, din=%d"), audio_i2s.mic_port, audio_i2s.mic_bclk, audio_i2s.mic_ws, audio_i2s.mic_din);
+ // }
+ // audio_i2s.mode = MODE_SPK;
+ return 0;
+void I2S_Init(void) {
+ if (I2S_Init_0() != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ audio_i2s.is2_volume = 10;
+ audio_i2s.out->SetGain(((float)audio_i2s.is2_volume / 100.0) * 4.0);
+ audio_i2s.out->begin();
+ audio_i2s.out->stop();
+ audio_i2s.mp3ram = nullptr;
+ if (UsePSRAM()) {
+ audio_i2s.mp3ram = heap_caps_malloc(preallocateCodecSize, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
+ }
+ if (UsePSRAM()) {
+ audio_i2s.preallocateBuffer = heap_caps_malloc(preallocateBufferSize, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
+ audio_i2s.preallocateCodec = heap_caps_malloc(preallocateCodecSize, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM | MALLOC_CAP_8BIT);
+ } else {
+ audio_i2s.preallocateBuffer = malloc(preallocateBufferSize);
+ audio_i2s.preallocateCodec = malloc(preallocateCodecSize);
+ }
+ if (!audio_i2s.preallocateBuffer || !audio_i2s.preallocateCodec) {
+ //Serial.printf_P(PSTR("FATAL ERROR: Unable to preallocate %d bytes for app\n"), preallocateBufferSize+preallocateCodecSize);
+ }
+ // audio_i2s.mic_channels = MIC_CHANNELS;
+ // audio_i2s.mic_rate = MICSRATE;
+void mp3_task(void *arg) {
+ while (1) {
+ while (audio_i2s.mp3->isRunning()) {
+ if (!audio_i2s.mp3->loop()) {
+ audio_i2s.mp3->stop();
+ mp3_delete();
+ audio_i2s.out->stop();
+ if (audio_i2s.mp3_task_h) {
+ vTaskDelete(audio_i2s.mp3_task_h);
+ audio_i2s.mp3_task_h = 0;
+ }
+ //mp3_task_h=nullptr;
+ }
+ vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1));
+ }
+ }
+void MDCallback(void *cbData, const char *type, bool isUnicode, const char *str) {
+ const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast(cbData);
+ (void) isUnicode; // Punt this ball for now
+ (void) ptr;
+ if (strstr_P(type, PSTR("Title"))) {
+ strncpy(audio_i2s.wr_title, str, sizeof(audio_i2s.wr_title));
+ audio_i2s.wr_title[sizeof(audio_i2s.wr_title)-1] = 0;
+ //AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("WR-Title: %s"),wr_title);
+ } else {
+ // Who knows what to do? Not me!
+ }
+void StatusCallback(void *cbData, int code, const char *string) {
+ const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast(cbData);
+ (void) code;
+ (void) ptr;
+ //strncpy_P(status, string, sizeof(status)-1);
+ //status[sizeof(status)-1] = 0;
+void Webradio(const char *url) {
+ if (audio_i2s.decoder || audio_i2s.mp3) return;
+ if (!audio_i2s.out) return;
+ audio_i2s.ifile = new AudioFileSourceICYStream(url);
+ audio_i2s.ifile->RegisterMetadataCB(MDCallback, NULL);
+ audio_i2s.buff = new AudioFileSourceBuffer(audio_i2s.ifile, audio_i2s.preallocateBuffer, preallocateBufferSize);
+ audio_i2s.buff->RegisterStatusCB(StatusCallback, NULL);
+ audio_i2s.decoder = new AudioGeneratorMP3(audio_i2s.preallocateCodec, preallocateCodecSize);
+ audio_i2s.decoder->RegisterStatusCB(StatusCallback, NULL);
+ audio_i2s.decoder->begin(audio_i2s.buff, audio_i2s.out);
+ if (!audio_i2s.decoder->isRunning()) {
+ // Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Can't connect to URL"));
+ StopPlaying();
+ // strcpy_P(status, PSTR("Unable to connect to URL"));
+ audio_i2s.retryms = millis() + 2000;
+ }
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(mp3_task2, "MP3-2", 8192, NULL, 3, &audio_i2s.mp3_task_h, 1);
+void mp3_task2(void *arg){
+ while (1) {
+ if (audio_i2s.decoder && audio_i2s.decoder->isRunning()) {
+ if (!audio_i2s.decoder->loop()) {
+ StopPlaying();
+ //retryms = millis() + 2000;
+ }
+ vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1));
+ }
+ }
+void StopPlaying() {
+ if (audio_i2s.mp3_task_h) {
+ vTaskDelete(audio_i2s.mp3_task_h);
+ audio_i2s.mp3_task_h = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (audio_i2s.decoder) {
+ audio_i2s.decoder->stop();
+ delete audio_i2s.decoder;
+ audio_i2s.decoder = NULL;
+ }
+ if (audio_i2s.buff) {
+ audio_i2s.buff->close();
+ delete audio_i2s.buff;
+ audio_i2s.buff = NULL;
+ }
+ if (audio_i2s.ifile) {
+ audio_i2s.ifile->close();
+ delete audio_i2s.ifile;
+ audio_i2s.ifile = NULL;
+ }
+void Cmd_WebRadio(void) {
+ if (!audio_i2s.out) return;
+ if (audio_i2s.decoder) {
+ StopPlaying();
+ }
+ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
+ Webradio(XdrvMailbox.data);
+ ResponseCmndChar(XdrvMailbox.data);
+ } else {
+ ResponseCmndChar_P(PSTR("Stopped"));
+ }
+ "{s}" "I2S_WR-Title" "{m}%s{e}";
+void I2S_WR_Show(bool json) {
+ if (audio_i2s.decoder) {
+ if (json) {
+ ResponseAppend_P(PSTR(",\"WebRadio\":{\"Title\":\"%s\"}"), audio_i2s.wr_title);
+ } else {
+ WSContentSend_PD(HTTP_WEBRADIO,audio_i2s.wr_title);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // USE_WEBSERVER
+void Play_mp3(const char *path) {
+ if (audio_i2s.decoder || audio_i2s.mp3) return;
+ if (!audio_i2s.out) return;
+ FS *mp3fsp = ufsp;
+ if (!strncmp(path, "/ffs", 4)) {
+ path += 4;
+ mp3fsp = ffsp;
+ }
+ if (!mp3fsp->exists(path)) {
+ AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO,PSTR("MP3-Title not found: %s"),path);
+ return;
+ }
+ audio_i2s.file = new AudioFileSourceFS(*mp3fsp, path);
+ audio_i2s.id3 = new AudioFileSourceID3(audio_i2s.file);
+ if (audio_i2s.mp3ram) {
+ audio_i2s.mp3 = new AudioGeneratorMP3(audio_i2s.mp3ram, preallocateCodecSize);
+ } else {
+ audio_i2s.mp3 = new AudioGeneratorMP3();
+ }
+ audio_i2s.mp3->begin(audio_i2s.id3, audio_i2s.out);
+ // Always use a task
+ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(mp3_task, "MP3", 8192, NULL, 3, &audio_i2s.mp3_task_h, 1);
+void mp3_delete(void) {
+ delete audio_i2s.file;
+ delete audio_i2s.id3;
+ delete audio_i2s.mp3;
+ audio_i2s.mp3=nullptr;
+void Say(char *text) {
+ if (!audio_i2s.out) return;
+ ESP8266SAM *sam = new ESP8266SAM;
+ sam->Say(audio_i2s.out, text);
+ delete sam;
+ audio_i2s.out->stop();
+const char kI2SAudio_Commands[] PROGMEM = "I2S|"
+ "Say|Gain|Time|Rtttl|Play|WR"
+#if defined(USE_SHINE) && ( (defined(USE_I2S_AUDIO) && defined(USE_I2S_MIC)) || defined(USE_M5STACK_CORE2) || defined(ESP32S3_BOX) )
+ "|REC"
+ "|MGain"
+#if defined(USE_SHINE) && defined(MP3_MIC_STREAM)
+#endif // MP3_MIC_STREAM
+#ifdef I2S_BRIDGE
+#endif // I2S_BRIDGE
+#endif // USE_SHINE
+void (* const I2SAudio_Command[])(void) PROGMEM = {
+ &Cmd_Say, &Cmd_Gain,&Cmd_Time,&Cmd_I2SRtttl,&Cmd_Play,&Cmd_WebRadio
+#if defined(USE_SHINE) && ( (defined(USE_I2S_AUDIO) && defined(USE_I2S_MIC)) || defined(USE_M5STACK_CORE2) || defined(ESP32S3_BOX) )
+ ,&Cmd_MicRec
+ ,&Cmd_MicGain
+#if defined(USE_SHINE) && defined(MP3_MIC_STREAM)
+ ,&Cmd_MP3Stream
+#endif // MP3_MIC_STREAM
+#ifdef I2S_BRIDGE
+ ,&Cmd_I2SBridge
+#endif // I2S_BRIDGE
+#endif // USE_SHINE
+void Cmd_Play(void) {
+ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
+ Play_mp3(XdrvMailbox.data);
+ }
+ ResponseCmndChar(XdrvMailbox.data);
+void Cmd_Gain(void) {
+ if ((XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 100)) {
+ if (audio_i2s.out) {
+ audio_i2s.is2_volume=XdrvMailbox.payload;
+ audio_i2s.out->SetGain(((float)(audio_i2s.is2_volume-2)/100.0)*4.0);
+ }
+ }
+ ResponseCmndNumber(audio_i2s.is2_volume);
+void Cmd_Say(void) {
+ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
+ Say(XdrvMailbox.data);
+ }
+ ResponseCmndChar(XdrvMailbox.data);
+void Cmd_I2SRtttl(void) {
+ if (XdrvMailbox.data_len > 0) {
+ Rtttl(XdrvMailbox.data);
+ }
+ ResponseCmndChar(XdrvMailbox.data);
+ * Interface
+void i2s_mp3_loop(void);
+void i2s_mp3_init(void);
+void MP3ShowStream(void);
+bool Xdrv42(uint32_t function) {
+ bool result = false;
+ switch (function) {
+ result = DecodeCommand(kI2SAudio_Commands, I2SAudio_Command);
+ break;
+ case FUNC_INIT:
+ I2S_Init();
+ break;
+ //MP3ShowStream();
+ break;
+ case FUNC_LOOP:
+#if defined(USE_SHINE) && defined(MP3_MIC_STREAM)
+ i2s_mp3_loop();
+#if defined(I2S_BRIDGE) && ( (defined(USE_I2S_AUDIO) && defined(USE_I2S_MIC)) || defined(USE_M5STACK_CORE2) || defined(ESP32S3_BOX) )
+ i2s_bridge_loop();
+ break;
+#if defined(USE_SHINE) && defined(MP3_MIC_STREAM)
+ audio_i2s.stream_enable = 1;
+ i2s_mp3_init(1);
+#if defined(I2S_BRIDGE) && ( (defined(USE_I2S_AUDIO) && defined(USE_I2S_MIC)) || defined(USE_M5STACK_CORE2) || defined(ESP32S3_BOX) )
+ I2SBridgeInit();
+ break;
+ I2S_WR_Show(false);
+ break;
+#endif // USE_I2S_WEBRADIO
+#endif // USE_WEBSERVER
+ I2S_WR_Show(true);
+ break;
+#endif // USE_I2S_WEBRADIO
+ }
+ return result;
+#endif // USE_I2S_AUDIO
+#endif //ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR >= 5
\ No newline at end of file