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Examples of Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop

  • Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop examples are also included in Aspose.Cells GitHub repository and will be available as part of the ZIP file downloadable from here.
  • All examples are located in the Examples_GridDesktop folder.
  • Similar to Aspose.Cells examples, GridDesktop examples solution file name is Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Examples.CSharp.sln.
  • Open the solution file in Visual Studio and build the project.
  • All dependencies are included as part of the examples project. You may also download the DLLs separately from here
  • The Data folder at the root folder of Examples_GridDesktop contains input files used in the examples. It is mandatory that you download the Data folder along with the examples project.
  • Open and run the project.
  • Click on the example in the menu that you want to run from within the form.

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