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41 lines (34 loc) · 2.34 KB

File metadata and controls

41 lines (34 loc) · 2.34 KB
                       ____----+++|   _   _  ___
              _____----++++++++++/   | | | |/ _ \
          _---+++++++++++++++++++|   | |_| | (_) |
      __--++++++++++++++++++++++/     \__, |\___/
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   /++++++__++| |++__++++++++++/      |___/
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           ---___---                  \___/_/\_\\__\___|_| |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|

A Yeoman Generator for creating an integrate development, build, and test environment for creating Compass Extensions.

Currently Available

  • Build a Compass extension in the sass repository
  • Test it with example.scss and by running grunt server
    • Include --launch to launch a local server to test
    • Change server:hostname in config.yml to '*' to access development server from any computer on your local network, remote debugging included.
  • Build your extension using grunt extension (will probably change to build later)
  • Includes a basic project with all files from example's JS and Images

Rolling a Release

When you're ready to roll a release, commit all of your changes and using SEMVER and grunt bump, increase your version number. Once your version number is bumped and committed, run grunt extension to build your compass extension. It will create extension.gem in your project directory. To push that up to RubyGems, run gem push extension.gem.


  • Bower integration
  • Generator for templates, plus support for multiple templates
  • Ruby support
  • Test suite