The topic names will be migrated to ROS recommended namespace model.
Set /neonavigation_compatible
parameter to 1
to use new topic names.
trajectory_tracker node controls vehicle velocity to follow given path.
- ~/path (new: path) [nav_msgs::Path]
- ~/speed (new: speed) [std_msgs::Float32]
- /tf
- /odom [nav_msgs::Odometry] (Optional: this topic is subscribed only when "use_odom" option is true)
- ~/cmd_vel (new: cmd_vel) [geometry_msgs::Twist]
- ~/status [trajectory_tracker_msgs::TrajectoryTrackerStatus]
- ~/tracking [geometry_msgs::PoseStamped]
- "frame_robot" (string, default: std::string("base_link"))
- "path" deprecated (string, default: std::string("path"))
- "cmd_vel" deprecated (string, default: std::string("cmd_vel"))
- "hz" (double, default: 50.0)
- "look_forward" (double, default: 0.5)
- "curv_forward" (double, default: 0.5)
- "k_dist" (double, default: 1.0)
- "k_ang" (double, default: 1.0)
- "k_avel" (double, default: 1.0)
- "gain_at_vel" (double, default: 0.0)
compensate k_ang according to the current linear velocity to keep convergence characteristic at the linear velocity, specified by this parameter, if
gain_at_vel != 0
- "dist_lim" (double, default: 0.5)
- "dist_stop" (double, default: 2.0)
- "rotate_ang" (?, default: M_PI / 4)
- "max_vel" (double, default: 0.5)
- "max_angvel" (double, default: 1.0)
- "max_acc" (double, default: 1.0)
- "max_angacc" (double, default: 2.0)
- "acc_toc_factor" (double, default: 0.9)
decrease max_acc by this factor in time optimal control to reduce vibration due to control delay.
- "angacc_toc_factor" (double, default: 0.9)
decrease max_angacc by this factor in time optimal control to reduce vibration due to control delay. This parameter is valid when "use_time_optimal_control" is true.
- "path_step" (int, default: 1)
- "goal_tolerance_dist" (double, default: 0.2)
- "goal_tolerance_ang" (double, default: 0.1)
- "stop_tolerance_dist" (double, default: 0.1)
- "stop_tolerance_ang" (double, default: 0.05)
- "no_position_control_dist" (double, default: 0.0)
- "min_tracking_path" (?, default: noPosCntlDist)
- "allow_backward" (bool, default: true)
- "limit_vel_by_avel" (bool, default: false)
- "check_old_path" (bool, default: false)
- "use_odom" (bool, default: false)
is false, trajectory_tracker publishes command velocities at a constant rate specified in "hz" option. Whenuse_odom
is true, it publishes command velocities just after odometry is updated. "hz" option is ignored in this mode. - "predict_odom" (bool, default: true)
If true, predicted coordinates of the robot at the present timestamp are used. This parameter is valid when "use_odom" is true.
- "odom_timeout_sec" (double, default: 0.1)
Robot will be stopped after the duration specified in this parameter has passed since the last odometry was received. This parameter is valid when "use_odom" is true.
- "use_time_optimal_control" (bool, default: True)
If true, time optimal control mode is used during turning in place. Otherwise, the same algorithm used for path tracking is used.
- "time_optimal_control_future_gain" (double, default: 1.5)
A gain to look ahead to robot's angle used in time optimal control. This parameter is valid when "use_time_optimal_control" is true.
- "k_ang_rotation" (double, default: 1.0)
"k_ang" value used during turning in place. This parameter is valid when "use_time_optimal_control" is false.
- "k_avel_rotation" (double, default: 1.0)
"k_avvel" value used during turning in place. This parameter is valid when "use_time_optimal_control" is false.
trajectory_recorder node generates Path message from TF.
- /tf
- ~/recpath (new: path) [nav_msgs::Path]
- "frame_robot" (string, default: std::string("base_link"))
- "frame_global" (string, default: std::string("map"))
- "path" (string, default: std::string("recpath"))
- "dist_interval" (double, default: 0.3)
- "ang_interval" (double, default: 1.0)
trajectory_saver node saves Path message to file.
- ~/recpath (new: path) [nav_msgs::Path]
- /tf
- "path" deprecated (string, default: std::string("recpath"))
- "file" (string, default: std::string("a.path"))
trajectory_server node loads Path from file and publishes it.
- /tf
- ~/path (new: path) [nav_msgs::Path]
- ~/status [trajectory_tracker_msgs::TrajectoryServerStatus]
- ~/ChangePath (new: change_path) [trajectory_tracker_msgs::ChangePath]
- "path" deprecated (string, default: std::string("path"))
- "file" (string, default: std::string("a.path"))
- "hz" (?, default: double(5))
- "filter_step" (double, default: 0.0)
This research was supported by a contract with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications entitled, 'Novel and innovative R&D making use of brain structures'
This software was implemented to accomplish the above research.
Original idea of the implemented control scheme was published on:
S. Iida, S. Yuta, "Vehicle command system and trajectory control for autonomous mobile robots," in Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 1991, pp. 212-217.