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Aggressive Functional Programming


Q: What is Functional Programming?

  1. Esoteric?
  2. Using lots of parentheses?
  3. Insanely generic?

A: Programming with Functions

Q: What is Aggressive Functional Programming?

A: Aggressively programming with functions.

FP patterns aim to achieve two things:

  1. Separation of Data, and Behaviour (algorithms).
  2. Ensure it is impossible to represent an illegal state.

Example: Separating Data, and Behavior

sealed trait Chain

final case class Link(next: Chain) extends Chain

case object End extends Chain

@tailrec def length(l: Chain, acc: Int = 0): Int = l match {
  case Link(n) => length(n, acc + 1)
  case End     => acc

// length(Link(Link(Link(End)))) -> 3

Example: Illegal States

public class PositiveInteger {
  private int _value;

  public PositiveInteger(final int value) {
    if (value < 0) System.exit(1);
    _value = value;
  public int getValue() { return _value; }

Brief Interlude

NOTE: Analogy of writing this slideshow, and learning FP

Regularly Scheduled Program

  1. Mapping from SOLID to FP.
  2. An Overview of Esoteric Nomenclature
  3. The M-Word
  4. Writing Higher-Kinded Interfaces
  5. Property Based Testing


The Laws of software design trivially map to FP

Single Responsibility Principle

Only one potential change in the application should affect the specification of a thing.


Open/Closed Principle

Things should be open for extension, but closed for modification.


Liskov Substitution Principle

Things should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of the program.


Interface Substitution Principle

Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.


Dependency Inversion Principle

One should depend upon abstractions, not concrete implementations.


Overview of Esoteric Nomenclature

Term Description
Function Maps one type, to another.
Type Class Generic Interface.
Kind The type of a Type. What happens when types level-up.
Category A math graph; hard to visualise.
Functor Read the docs
Monad When used correctly people will get off your lawn.



val f: Int => Int = _ + 1
Function<Integer, Integer> f = (int x -> x + 1)
f = lambda x: x + 1
f :: Integer -> Integer
f x = x + 1

Type Classes

trait Show[T] { def show(t: T): String }
public interface Show<T> {
  public String show(final T t);
def show(t): return str(t)
class Show t where
  show :: t -> String


import scala.language.higherKinds
type Type // 0-th order kind. a regular type
type Constructor[T] // 1-st order kind.
type Factory[F[_]] // 2-nd ...
type Industry[F[_[_]]] // yes, this is a thing.
// Doesn't work in java.
# No idea how this would be done in python. Meta-classes?, probably meta-classes.
* -> *
* -> * -> *


CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] // A base trait for builder factories.
Functor[F[_]] // Functors between categories form a category.

The M-Word

// Allows us to apply a function within a context `F`.
trait Functor[F[_]] {
  def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]

// Allows us to wrap a value in a context `A`.
trait Applicative[A[_]] extends Functor[A] {
  def apply[X](a: X): A[X]
  def ap[X, Y](ax: A[X])(f: A[X => Y]): A[Y]

// Allows us to 'merge' nested contexts together.
trait Monad[M[_]] extends Applicative[M] {
  def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
  def join[A](mma: M[M[A]]): M[A]

Writing Higher-kinded Interfaces

The ultimate abstraction:

final case class Scored[T](item: T, score: Int)
type Scorer[T, F[_]] = T => F[Scored[T]]
type Selector[T] = Set[Scored[T]]] => Option[T]

type Auctioneer[T, F[_]] = Seq[T] => F[Option[T]]
object Auctioneer {
  def apply[T, F[_] : Applicative](
    scorer: Scorer[T, F],
    selector: Selector[T]
  ): Auctioneer[T, F] = { ts =>
    val scored: Seq[F[Scored[T]]] =


The above code doesn't work, but instead forces us into using 'package' objects to export/use the types. This is either a bug or a feature; but forces a slightly different (header-oriented) style:

package object awesome {
  type Scorer[T, F[_]] = T => F[Scored[T]]
  type Selector[T] = Set[Scored[T]] => Option[T]
  type Auctioneer[T, F[_]] = Set[T] => F[Option[T]]

Property Based Testing

Lets imagine we have an injection type class:

// LAW:
//   reverse.compose(forward)(x) must be Some(x) forAll x in A.
final case class Injection[A, B](
  forward: A => B,
  reverse: B => Option[A]

Seems legit ...

val IntMagic = Injection[Int, Int](x => x * 4, x => Some(x / 4))

We could even test it:

// useless test that I see everywhere....
"IntMagic should obey the injection law" in {
  import IntMagic._
  reverse.compose(forward)(4) shouldBe (Some(4))

There is a terrible problem here, because Integer division is not invertible. Lets just test all possible inputs (it is so very easy).

import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._

"IntMagic should obey the injection law" in {
  import IntMagic._
  val roundTrip = reverse.compose(forward)
  forAll { x: Int =>
    roundTrip(x) shouldBe (Some(x))

We can/should abstract this Law into a generic Property test!

import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Prop }

object InjectionLaw {
  // This is SO EASY IT HURTS, seriously PLEASE DO THIS
  def apply[A : Arbitrary, B](inj: Injection[A, B]): Prop = {
    import inj._
    val roundTrip = reverse.compose(forward)
    Prop.forAll { a: A => roundTrip(a) == Some(a) }

// Elsewhere!
"IntMagic should obey the injection law" in {

In Summary

  1. Everything I've said is unambiguously correct
  2. Type away your problems (get it?!)
  3. Properties are easy to test, so please do.

Further Reading

The Type Classes of Cats

Algebraic Patterns

Functional Programming is Terrible

System F

My Other Talk on Implicits
