- Esoteric?
- Using lots of parentheses?
- Insanely generic?
A: Programming with Functions
A: Aggressively programming with functions.
- Separation of Data, and Behaviour (algorithms).
- Ensure it is impossible to represent an illegal state.
sealed trait Chain
final case class Link(next: Chain) extends Chain
case object End extends Chain
@tailrec def length(l: Chain, acc: Int = 0): Int = l match {
case Link(n) => length(n, acc + 1)
case End => acc
// length(Link(Link(Link(End)))) -> 3
public class PositiveInteger {
private int _value;
public PositiveInteger(final int value) {
if (value < 0) System.exit(1);
_value = value;
public int getValue() { return _value; }
NOTE: Analogy of writing this slideshow, and learning FP
- Mapping from SOLID to FP.
- An Overview of Esoteric Nomenclature
- The M-Word
- Writing Higher-Kinded Interfaces
- Property Based Testing
The Laws of software design trivially map to FP
Only one potential change in the application should affect the specification of a thing.
Things should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
Things should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of the program.
Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.
One should depend upon abstractions, not concrete implementations.
Term | Description |
Function | Maps one type, to another. |
Type Class | Generic Interface. |
Kind | The type of a Type. What happens when types level-up. |
Category | A math graph; hard to visualise. |
Functor | Read the docs |
Monad | When used correctly people will get off your lawn. |
val f: Int => Int = _ + 1
Function<Integer, Integer> f = (int x -> x + 1)
f = lambda x: x + 1
f :: Integer -> Integer
f x = x + 1
trait Show[T] { def show(t: T): String }
public interface Show<T> {
public String show(final T t);
def show(t): return str(t)
class Show t where
show :: t -> String
import scala.language.higherKinds
type Type // 0-th order kind. a regular type
type Constructor[T] // 1-st order kind.
type Factory[F[_]] // 2-nd ...
type Industry[F[_[_]]] // yes, this is a thing.
// Doesn't work in java.
# No idea how this would be done in python. Meta-classes?, probably meta-classes.
* -> *
* -> * -> *
CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] // A base trait for builder factories.
Functor[F[_]] // Functors between categories form a category.
// Allows us to apply a function within a context `F`.
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
// Allows us to wrap a value in a context `A`.
trait Applicative[A[_]] extends Functor[A] {
def apply[X](a: X): A[X]
def ap[X, Y](ax: A[X])(f: A[X => Y]): A[Y]
// Allows us to 'merge' nested contexts together.
trait Monad[M[_]] extends Applicative[M] {
def flatMap[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
def join[A](mma: M[M[A]]): M[A]
The ultimate abstraction:
final case class Scored[T](item: T, score: Int)
type Scorer[T, F[_]] = T => F[Scored[T]]
type Selector[T] = Set[Scored[T]]] => Option[T]
type Auctioneer[T, F[_]] = Seq[T] => F[Option[T]]
object Auctioneer {
def apply[T, F[_] : Applicative](
scorer: Scorer[T, F],
selector: Selector[T]
): Auctioneer[T, F] = { ts =>
val scored: Seq[F[Scored[T]]] = ts.map(scorer)(breakOut)
The above code doesn't work, but instead forces us into using 'package' objects to export/use the types. This is either a bug or a feature; but forces a slightly different (header-oriented) style:
package object awesome {
type Scorer[T, F[_]] = T => F[Scored[T]]
type Selector[T] = Set[Scored[T]] => Option[T]
type Auctioneer[T, F[_]] = Set[T] => F[Option[T]]
Lets imagine we have an injection type class:
// LAW:
// reverse.compose(forward)(x) must be Some(x) forAll x in A.
final case class Injection[A, B](
forward: A => B,
reverse: B => Option[A]
Seems legit ...
val IntMagic = Injection[Int, Int](x => x * 4, x => Some(x / 4))
We could even test it:
// useless test that I see everywhere....
"IntMagic should obey the injection law" in {
import IntMagic._
reverse.compose(forward)(4) shouldBe (Some(4))
There is a terrible problem here, because Integer division is not invertible. Lets just test all possible inputs (it is so very easy).
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._
"IntMagic should obey the injection law" in {
import IntMagic._
val roundTrip = reverse.compose(forward)
forAll { x: Int =>
roundTrip(x) shouldBe (Some(x))
We can/should abstract this Law into a generic Property test!
import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Prop }
object InjectionLaw {
// This is SO EASY IT HURTS, seriously PLEASE DO THIS
def apply[A : Arbitrary, B](inj: Injection[A, B]): Prop = {
import inj._
val roundTrip = reverse.compose(forward)
Prop.forAll { a: A => roundTrip(a) == Some(a) }
// Elsewhere!
"IntMagic should obey the injection law" in {
- Everything I've said is unambiguously correct
- Type away your problems (get it?!)
- Properties are easy to test, so please do.