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Functional Project Layout



The extent to which our systems do what we think they should do without paying some terrible price.

What is "Bad" Software?

  • Complex
  • Brittle
  • Expensive
  • Incorrect
  • Non Deterministic
  • Sneaky

What is "Good" Software?

  • Simple
  • Robust
  • Inexpensive
  • Correct
  • Deterministic


How are software systems organised?

How is "Good" software Organised?

|-- main
|   |-- java
|   |-- resources
|   |-- scala
|   `-- thrift
`-- test
    |-- resources
    `-- scala


The Prescription



This is "new age" project layout the attempts to solve the following problems:

  • Interface design is hard
  • Separating concerns is hard
  • Testing is hard
  • Examples are bad
  • Exposed implementations are pathologically evil

Lets Build a Currency Exchange.

Problem: Currency conversion is hard, frequently wrong, and errors are expensive.

Enter: The Module

In the simplest case, a module is a scope that exposes:

  1. Pure Data structures
  2. Algorithms

Simple Project Structure

|--- BUILD
|--- package.scala
|--- Exchange.scala
`--- model
     |--- BUILD
     |--- Currency.scala
     |--- CurrencyPair.scala
     `--- ExchangeRate.scala

package objects

Package objects define scope that is available throughout the module. They can also help define external interfaces.

package object forex {
   * A Currency exchange is a function from a pair
   * of currencies, to a result rate. How that rate
   * is found, or whether it is, is implementation
   * dependent.
   * @tparam F - The resulting context, i.e. Option, Future, etc.
  type Exchange[F[_]] =
    model.CurrencyPair => F[model.ExchangeRate]

Factories are the ONLY way to use or declare implementations.

package forex

object Exchange {
  def apply(ds: DS.FutureIface): Exchange[Future] =
    new DSExchangeImpl(ds)

  private[forex] class DSExchangeImpl(
    underlying: RevenueDataservice.FutureIface
  ) extends Exchange[Future] {

    override def apply(
      pair: model.CurrencyPair
    ): Future[model.ExchangeRate] = ???

Keeping data structures safe

I like to park them in something like "model", but this can also be stored in thrift etc.

package model

sealed class Currency private[model](val iso4217Code: String)

object Currency {
  case object USD extends Currency("USD")
  case object CAD extends Currency("CAD")

Lawful Testing

Tendencies that are observed, but not possible to prove

Desirable properties of all implementations

FPL Test Layout

|--- BUILD
|--- ExchangeLaws.scala
`--- model
     |--- BUILD
     `--- Generators.scala

Exchange Laws

The Unit Law.

package forex

object ExchangeLaws {
  import model.Generators._

  def unitLaw[F[_]: Comonad](exchange: Exchange[F]): Prop =
    Prop.forAll { pair: CurrencyPair =>
      val result = Comonad.extract(
      result == ExchangeRate(1f)

The Inverse Law

  def inverseLaw[F[_]: Applicative: Comonad](
    exchange: Exchange[F]
  ): Prop =
    Prop.forAll { case CurrencyPair(l, r) =>
      val forward = exchange(CurrencyPair(l, r))
      val reverse = exchange(CurrencyPair(r, l))
      val (x, y) = Comonad.extract(
        Applicative.join(forward, reverse)
      x.rate == (1 / y.rate)


We need to describe the complete space of objects to test, computers are good at this.

package forex.model

object Generators {
  implicit val ArbCurrency = Arbitrary {
    Gen.pick(1, Seq[Currency](USD, CAD, ...))

  implicit val ArbExchangeRate = Arbitrary {
    Gen.posNum[Float].map { n => ExchangeRate(n) }

  implicit val ArbCurrencyPair = Arbitrary {
    for {
      l <- ArbCurrency.arbitrary
      r <- ArbCurrency.arbitrary
    } yield CurrencyPair(l, r)
