- New sendEmailReceipt API with added paremeter updateEmail (BOOL). If set to true, the email address will be saved in the system.
- (void)sendEmailReceipt:(NSString * _Nonnull)transactionId
email:(NSString * _Nonnull)emailAddress
language:(NSString * _Nonnull)language
completion:(nullable void (^)(BICReceiptResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
- New
API using newBICTransactionOptions
class. The old API has been marked as deprecated.
- (void)processTransaction:(BICTransactionRequest * _Nonnull)request
transactionOptions:(BICTransactionOptions * _Nonnull)transactionOptions
completion:(nullable void (^)(BICTransactionResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error, BOOL updateKeyFile))completion;
New processing option in
added to disable contactless transactions. -
New decline message when chip debit/credit transactions are processed with the wrong card type.
Debit encryption keys will update themselves after 20 hours of no initialization, preventing an unwanted declined transaction if the PIN pad was left on for extended periods of time.
A new error error message "Please try again" instead of "Declined" if debit encryption keys have expired. The next transaction will work as debit keys are automatically updated once expired.
parameter to theBICCreateSessionResponse
class. This parameter indicates if the terminal is unencrypted (1) or encrypted (2). This SDK can only process encrypted (2) terminal transactions. -
Card holder name will now be saved in the system if it's pulled from the card during a transaction
- NOTE: This field is automatically populated by the SDK. Manually inserted values will be overridden.
- Added terminal ID to API call to allow debit key exchange without rebooting iCMP
- Fixed incorrect name of reversalReason constant. Added panLength as a parameter to ensure status of reversal transactions is displayed correctly.