* Add storage selection button
* Minor fixes
* Add method start for Fragment
* Minor fixes
* Add method setHideHiddenFilesEnabled()
* Minor fixes
* Add Slovak translation (thanks to pylerSM)
* Use Glide to load thumbnails
* Add method setUseFirstItemAsUpEnabled()
* Refactoring
* Add runtime permissions support
* Update icons and design
* Now using support library
* Migrate to Android Studio
* Added optional quit button with ENABLE_QUIT_BUTTON option
* When user getting back to previous directory, list automatically scrolled to previous position
* Changed icons select_all and invert_selection
* All strings resources in the library get efp__ prefix
* Added "Sort" button and two options: SET_SORT_TYPE and DISABLE_SORT_BUTTON
* SET_FILTER_BY_EXTENSION is deprecated and removed. Use SET_FILTER_EXCLUDE or SET_FILTER_LISTED instead.
* In library added translations to Ukranian, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Eesti, Lettish, German and Japanese. Sample application not translated.
* Added light theme (ExFilePickerThemeLight). Dark theme renamed to ExFilePickerThemeDark.
* Removed ActionBarSherlock dependency
* Added "New folder" button and DISABLE_NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON option
* Asynchronous thumbnails loading
* Changed loading icon
* Catch some exceptions