My local docker setup
Increase docker memory
One time setup of the external networks: ./bin/initialize-network
./bin/console ${COMPONENT}
./bin/rebuild ${COMPONENT} # you can also use this for the 1st build
./bin/restart ${COMPONENT}
./bin/stop ${COMPONENT}
./bin/nuke ${COMPONENT}
Traefik is a reverse proxy
./bin/rebuild traefik
Container management
./bin/rebuild portainer
./bin/rebuild mailcatcher
./bin/rebuild postgres
Install psql using homebrew:
brew install libpq
# Add libpq binaries to PATH
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
./bin/rebuild neo4j
Install cypher-shell using homebrew:
brew install cypher-shell
./bin/rebuild elasticsearch