This is a fork of with some new views that we hope to sell someday.
This site is currently running at
We welcome pull requests, so if you would like the site to behave differently or would like to see additional functionality, you can make the code change yourself and submit a pull request.
Clone the repo.
If you need to install node, run:
brew update
brew install node
To install required node modules, run:
npm install
Then install the Grunt Command Line and Nodemon programs:
npm install -g grunt-cli nodemon
If you need to add the npm bin directory to your PATH for grunt, run or add this to the bottom of your ~/.zshrc file:
export PATH=$PATH:`npm config get prefix`/bin
To compile and build the application, run:
grunt && grunt watch
In a separate terminal window, to run the application (and reload when files are changed), run:
npm start
You will need to create a config.json file to configure the ALM url. You should copy from config.json.example as a template.
- almWebServiceBaseUrl: You should change this value if you want to point to a different Rally ALM Server URL
- appName: You should change this value so that it is a unique name that represents your application and who your are.
- mode: Which mode do you want to run the site in? The only currently acceptable value is "board"
All Bootstrap stylesheet files can be found separated into:
They're in original LESS format in order to be easily customized, and compiled together with the app build. The proper way to override any bootstrap styles or variables is to modify:
Do not directly modify any files in vendor/styles/bootstrap. The changes will be overwritten as we upgrade that library.
The application can easily be deployed to an Amazon S3 Bucket and served up as a static website. This is accomplished via the grunt-s3 NPM module. In order to deploy the site, you need to create and configure a grunt-aws.json file in the root directory of this repo. The grunt-aws.json.example files is given as a skeleton to start from. All you need to do is supply your S3 Access Key Id, Secret Access Key and the name of the Bucket to deploy to. Once that is done, you can run the
command to package up the application. To deploy it, run
grunt s3
Your bucket should be configured for Website Hosting. Here's a link to AWS Documentation to Configure a Bucket for Website Hosting. You'll want to set both the Index document and Error document to be "index.html".
The JavaScript tests are written in mocha. A typical developer experience for building tests is to run: grunt test:server
in one terminal, grunt && grunt watch
in another and to open any browser to http://localhost:8900/