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201 lines (152 loc) · 7.37 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (152 loc) · 7.37 KB


Starting the debugger

Spawn a new process

Attach to a process (!attach)

C:>tasklist /FI "imagename eq iisexpress.exe"

Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
iisexpress.exe                5300 Console                    1     61 504 K

C:>mdbg !a 5300
MDbg (Managed debugger) v4.0.30319.1 (RTMRel.030319-0100) started.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

For information about commands type "help";
to exit program type "quit".

a 5300
[p#:0, t#:8] mdbg>

Controling the debugging process


Syntax: b[reak] [ClassName.Method | FileName:LineNo] | [module!ClassName.Method+IlOffset]


[p#:0, t#:5] mdbg> b LowLevelDesign.Samples.MySqlWebEventProvider.CreateCommandText
Breakpoint #1 bound (LowLevelDesign.Samples.MySqlWebEventProvider::CreateCommandText(+0))

To delete a breakpoint: del[ete] [#num], eg.

[p#:0, t#:9] mdbg> b
Current breakpoints:
Breakpoint #1 bound (LowLevelDesign.Samples.MySqlWebEventProvider::CreateCommandText(+0))

[p#:0, t#:9] mdbg> del 1

Conditional breakpoints can be created using the when statement:

[p#:0, t#:0] mdbg> b TraceReader.cs:33
Breakpoint #1 bound (line 33 in TraceReader.cs)

[p#:0, t#:0] mdbg> when BreakpointHit 1 do "p line"
[p#:0, t#:0] mdbg> when
1.      when BreakpointHit (Number=1) do: p line

Stack trace

Usage: w[here] [-v] [-c depth] [threadID]

[p#:0, t#:6] mdbg> w -c 4
Thread [#:6]
*0. LowLevelDesign.Samples.MySqlWebEventProvider.CreateCommandText (c:\Users\Sebastian\SkyDrive\lab\\multiple_tables\MySqlWebEventProvider\MySqlWebEventProvider.cs:77)
 1. LowLevelDesign.Samples.MySqlWebEventProvider.WriteToMySql (c:\Users\Sebastian\SkyDrive\lab\\multiple_tables\MySqlWebEventProvider\MySqlWebEventProvider.cs:64)
 2. LowLevelDesign.Samples.MySqlWebEventProvider.ProcessEvent (c:\Users\Sebastian\SkyDrive\lab\\multiple_tables\MySqlWebEventProvider\MySqlWebEventProvider.cs:38)
 3. System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent.RaiseInternal (f:\dd\ndp\fx\src\xsp\System\Web\Management\WebEvents.cs:599)
displayed only first 4 frames. For more frames use -c switch

Symbols and sources

To show sources at the current location use sh[ow] [lines], eg:

[p#:0, t#:6] mdbg> sh
74          }
76          private static String CreateCommandText(WebBaseEvent eventRaised)
77:*        {
78              // choose the table to which we will write events
79              String eventsTable;

The source path can be set using pa[th] [pathName]:

[p#:1, t#:4] mdbg> pa

After the source path is set the debugger somehow is able to resolve source files relevant paths.

Evaluating expressions

To print a variable value use: print [var] | [-d], eg.

[p#:0, t#:6] mdbg> p -d

[p#:0, t#:6] mdbg> p eventRaised
        _message="Application heartbeat."
        s_eventCodeToSystemEventTypeMappings=array [6,12]
        s_eventCodeOccurrence=array [6,12]
        s_systemEventTypeInfos=array [10]

set variable=value
newobj typeName [arguments...]
funceval [-ad Num] functionName [args ... ]



Usage: mdbg [program [ arguments... ] ]
       mdbg !command1 [!command2 !command3 ... ]

  When program name is entered on the command line, the debugger
  automatically starts debugging such program.

  Arguments starting with ! are interpreted as debugger commands.

  mdbg myProgram.exe

  mdbg !run myProgram.exe !step !go !kill !quit


mdbg> help
Following commands are available:
?             Prints this help screen.
ap[rocess]    Switches to another debugged process or prints available ones
a[ttach]      Attaches to a process or prints available processes
              Displays any monitor locks blocking threads
b[reak]       Sets or displays breakpoints
ca[tch]       Set or display what events will be stopped on

conf[ig]      Sets or Displays debugger configurable options
del[ete]      Deletes a breakpoint
de[tach]      Detaches from debugged process
d[own]        Moves the active stack frame down
echo          Echoes a message to the console
              Enables or disables custom notifications for a given type
ex[it]        Quits the program
fo[reach]     Executes other command on all threads
f[unceval]    Evaluates a given function outside normal program flow
g[o]          Continues program execution
h[elp]        Prints this help screen.
ig[nore]      Set or display what events will be ignored
int[ercept]   Intercepts the current exception at the given frame on the stack
k[ill]        Kills the active process
l[ist]        Displays loaded modules appdomains or assemblies
lo[ad]        Loads an extension from some assembly
log           Set or display what events will be logged
mo[de]        Set/Query different debugger options
mon[itorInfo] Displays object monitor lock information
newo[bj]      Creates new object of type typeName
n[ext]        Step Over
opendump      Opens the specified dump file for debugging.
o[ut]         Steps Out of function
pa[th]        Sets or displays current source path
p[rint]       prints local or debug variables
              Prints the last exception on the current thread
pro[cessenum] Displays active processes
q[uit]        Quits the program
re[sume]      Resumes suspended thread
r[un]         Runs a program under the debugger
set           Sets a variable to a new value
setip         Sets an ip into new position in the current function
sh[ow]        Show sources around the current location
s[tep]        Step Into
su[spend]     Prevents thread from running
sy[mbol]      Sets/Displays path or Reloads/Lists symbols
t[hread]      Displays active threads or switches to a specified thread
u[p]          Moves the active stack frame up
uwgc[handle]  Prints the object tracked by a GC handle
when          Execute commands based on debugger event
w[here]       Prints a stack trace
x             Displays functions in a module