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NOTE I am not maintining this project anymore. Please use at your own discretion. If there is interest to own this project please ping me.

Docker Zabbix


The container provides the following Zabbix Services, please refer to the Zabbix documentation for additional info.

  • A Zabbix Server at port 10051.
  • A Zabbix Java Gateway at port 10052.
  • A Zabbix Web UI at port 80 (e.g. http://$container_ip/zabbix )
  • A Zabbix Agent.
  • A MySQL instance supporting Zabbix, user is zabbix and password is zabbix.
  • A Monit deamon managing the processes (http://$container_ip:2812, user 'myuser' and password 'mypassword').


You can run Zabbix as a service executing the following command.

docker run -d -P --name zabbix  berngp/docker-zabbix

The command above is requesting docker to run the berngp/docker-zabbix image in the background, publishing all ports to the host interface assigning the name of zabbix to the running instance. Run docker ps -f name=zabbix to review which port was mapped to the container's port '80', the Zabbix Web UI.

Open http://<ip of the host running the docker deamon>:<host port mapped to the container's port 80>/zabbix

In the example bellow the container's port 80 is mapped to 49184.

$ docker ps -f name=zabbix
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                NAMES
970eb1571545        berngp/docker-zabbix:latest   "/bin/bash /   18 hours ago        Up 2 hours>10051/tcp,>10052/tcp,>2812/tcp,>80/tcp   zabbix

If you want to bind the container's port with specific ports from the host running the docker daemon you can execute the following:

docker run -d \
           -p 10051:10051 \
           -p 10052:10052 \
           -p 80:80       \
           -p 2812:2812   \
           --name zabbix  \

The above command will expose the Zabbix Server through port 10051 and the Web UI through port 80 on the host instance, among others and associate it with the name zabbix. Be patient, it takes a minute or two to configure the MySQL instance and start the proper services. You can tail the logs using docker logs -f $contaienr_id.

After the container is ready the Zabbix Web UI should be available at http://$container_ip/zabbix. User is admin and password is zabbix.

Apparmor Specifics (Debian and Ubuntu)

The container uses Monit for controlling and observing the individual processes, which requires capabilities denied by Docker's default Apparmor profile. Currently, the only workaround is to add the trace capability and running the container without being fenced by Apparmor, using following flags in the RUN command:

--cap-add SYS_PTRACE  --security-opt apparmor:unconfined

Not doing so will result in a vast number of log messages polluting your syslog, as Monit tries to trace the processes all 10 seconds!

Exploring the Docker Zabbix Container

Sometimes you might just want to review how things are deployed inside a running container, you can do this by executing a bash shell through docker's exec command. Execute the command bellow to do it.

docker exec -i -t zabbix /bin/bash

Issues and Bugs.

Feel free to report any problems here.


I suggest you install docker through your distribution, if using Mac OSX I suggest you leverage boot2docker, as an option the project has a Vagrantfile that you can use to create a virtual instance with Docker.

Setting your Docker environment with the Vagrantfile

To run the included Vagrantfile you will need VirtualBox and Vagrant installed. Currently I am testing it against VirtualBox 4.3.6 and Vagrant 1.4.1. The Vagrantfile uses a minimal Ubuntu Precise 64 box and installs the VirtualBox Guest Additions along with Docker and its dependencies. The first time you execute a vagrant up it will go through an installation and build process, after its done you will have to execute a vagrant reload. After that you should be able to do a vagrant ssh and find that Docker is available using a which docker command.

Be aware that the Vagrantfile depends on the version of VirtualBox and may run into problems if you don't have the latest versions.

Building the Docker Zabbix Repository.

Within an environment that is already running docker, checkout the docker-zabbix code to a known directory. If you are using the Vagrantfile, as mentioned above, it will be available by default in the /docker/docker-zabbix directory. From there you can execute a build and run the container.


# CD into the docker container code.
cd /docker/docker-zabbix
# Build the contaienr code.
docker build -t berngp/docker-zabbix .
# Run it!
docker run -i -t -P --name=zabbix berngp/docker-zabbix


Appreciate any contribution regardless of the size. If your contribution is associated with any reported issue please add the details in the comments of the PR (Pull Request).

Contributions from:

Thank you and happy metrics gathering!