Added: (undocumented) fix heh + ye, alternative to fix_hamzeh
Added: cleaning whitespace/zwnj between new-lines on cleanup_spacing
Added: new option fix_numeral_symbols
to replace percent signs and decimal separators, props @ebraminio/persiantools
Added: new option fix_persian_glyphs
to replace glyph chars, props @ebraminio/persiantools
Added: new option fix_suffix_misc
to fix hamza with double yeh, props @ebraminio/persiantools
Added: new option markdown_normalize_braces
Added: new option markdown_normalize_lists
Added: new option preserve_frontmatter
to preserve frontmatter data
Added: padding the end of string while cleanup
Added: re-ordering extra marks: ?!
into !?
Added: removing space between same marks
Added: removing unnecessary zwnj on start/end of each line, props @ebraminio/persiantools
Added: replacing more than one english question mark with just one
Added: skip cleanup if text is empty or whitespace
Added: storing markdown links separetly to help space cleanup working
Changed: deprecated aggresive
Changed: moved cleaning whitespaces before newlines to cleanup_begin_and_end
Changed: new option fix_spacing_for_punctuations
extracted from fix_spacing_for_braces_and_quotes
Changed: simpler pattern for preserving URIs
Changed: some options disabled by default: preserve_braces
, preserve_brackets
, skip_markdown_ordered_lists_numbers_conversion
Fixed: account for punctuations, braces and quots after suffixes
Fixed: account for zwnj after yeh on fixing hamzeh
Fixed: copy options object before parsing
Fixed: putting back correct whitespace on cleaning zwnjs
Fixed: unescaped char on space after dots in numbers
You can’t perform that action at this time.