Improve go to file (gf) experience on java/kotlin project
Using vim-plug
Plug 'chau-bao-long/java-kotlin-gf'
nmap gf :GoToFile<cr>
nmap gT :GoToFile tabedit<cr>
Run GradleSyncSource command first, and gf or gT to see the magic
GoToFile ['e'|'tabnew'|'sp'|'vs']
- Add more src path and test path to allow gf to detect file
let g:srcPath = [
\ "/app/src/main/kotlin/",
\ "/app/src/test/kotlin/",
\ "/src/main/kotlin/",
\ "/src/test/kotlin/",
\ ]
- Change where to keep extracted source lib
let g:libPath = "~/.gradle/src"