We welcome contributions of all kinds - new content, fixing typos, etc! Please make sure to read the guidelines below before starting.
- Contributions must be submitted through Pull Requests.
- Add one link/Make one change per Pull Request - this helps us review them faster.
- Write a descriptive title, e.g.
Adding XYZ to Useful Services
- In the description, write down the reason you are making the change/adding the link.
- Write a descriptive title, e.g.
- Respect existing formatting
- Add links using:
* [brief one-line description](http://link-to-resource.com/)
- Keep descriptions short.
- Add links using:
- Add a section if needed.
- Add the section description.
- Add the section title to Table of Contents.
- Search previous Pull Requests or Issues before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Check your spelling and grammar.
- Remove any trailing whitespace.