This section outlines the environment variables and files necessary to successfully compile and run the Go binary, then connect it to an Azure Kubernetes Service.
- go >= 1.13
- OpenSSL
In order to run the Go binary locally and control a remote AKS server, you need Azure credentials. These will be stored in a JSON file in your home directory.
Follow these instructions to create the $HOME/.azure/azureAuth.json
file. The file is generated via:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > $HOME/.azure/azureAuth.json
The file will contain a JSON blob with the following shape:
"clientId": "...",
"clientSecret": "...",
"subscriptionId": "<your-azure-subscription-id>",
"tenantId": "...",
"activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "",
"resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
"sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "",
"galleryEndpointUrl": "",
"managementEndpointUrl": ""
To deploy a fresh setup, please follow the steps for template deployment in the greenfield documentation.
In the scripts
directory you will find
. This script builds and runs the ingress controller on your local machine and connects to a remote AKS cluster. A .env
file in the root of the repository is required.
Steps to run ingress controller:
- Get your cluster's credentials
az aks get-credentials --name <cluster-name> --resource-group <group>
- Configure:
cp .env.example .env
and modify the environment variables in.env
to match your config. Here is an example:#!/bin/bash export AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION="$HOME/.azure/azureAuth.json" export APPGW_RESOURCE_ID="<gateway-resource-id>" export KUBE_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.kube/config" export APPGW_VERBOSITY_LEVEL="9"
- Run:
Cleanup: delete /home/vsonline/go/src/ Compiling... Build SUCCEEDED ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0723 18:37:31.980903 6757 utils.go:115] Using verbosity level 9 from environment variable APPGW_VERBOSITY_LEVEL Version: 1.2.0; Commit: ef716c14; Date: 2020-07-23-18:37T+0000 ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0723 18:37:31.989656 6766 utils.go:115] Using verbosity level 9 from environment variable APPGW_VERBOSITY_LEVEL ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0723 18:37:31.989720 6766 main.go:78] Unable to load cloud provider config ''. Error: Reading Az Context file "" failed: open : no such file or directory E0723 18:37:31.999445 6766 context.go:210] Error fetching AGIC Pod (This may happen if AGIC is running in a test environment). Error: resource name may not be empty I0723 18:37:31.999466 6766 environment.go:240] KUBERNETES_WATCHNAMESPACE is not set. Watching all available namespaces. ...
You can also setup vscode to run the project with F5
and use breakpoint debugging. For this, you need to setup your launch.json
file within .vscode
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Debug",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "debug",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/appgw-ingress",
"env": {
"AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION": "/home/<user>/.azure/azureAuth.json",
"APPGW_RESOURCE_ID": "<gateway-resource-id>"
"args": [
To test your changes on a cluster, you can use the Dev Release
pipeline. Just select the build version from the drop-down list which matches the build in your PR or against your commit in the main branch.
Dev Release
generates a new docker image and helm package for your changes. Once the pipeline completes, use helm to install the release on your AKS cluster.
# add the staging helm repository
helm repo add staging
helm repo update
# list the available versions and pick the latest version
helm search repo staging -l --devel
staging/ingress-azure 10486 10486 Use Azure Application Gateway as the ingress fo...
staging/ingress-azure 10465 10465 Use Azure Application Gateway as the ingress fo...
staging/ingress-azure 10256 10256 Use Azure Application Gateway as the ingress fo...
# install/upgrade
helm install ingress-azure \
-f helm-config.yaml \
application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/ingress-azure \
--version 10486
You can also find the version
by opening your build in the Merge Builds
pipeline and looking for the buildid
. Use this version when installing on the cluster after the Dev Release
This is a CMake-based project. Build targets include:
(default target) buildsappgw-ingress
builds a docker image with configured development environmentvendor
installs dependency usinggo mod
in a docker container with image fromdevenv
builds the binary for this controller in a docker container with image fromdevenv
builds a docker image with the binary fromappgw-ingress
pushes the docker image to a container registry with prefix defined in CMake variable<deployment_push_prefix>
To run the CMake targets:
mkdir build && cd build
creates and enters a build directorycmake ..
generates project configuration in the build directorycmake --build .
to build the default target, orcmake --build . --target <target_name>
to specify a target to run from above