- [ ] librabbitmq memory handling
- [X] Peplace old src/amqp.lisp functions with channel.send
- [X] amqp-basic-consume%
- [X] amqp-basic-cancel
- [X] amqp-basic-cancel-async
- [X] amqp-basic-ack
- [X] amqp-basic-ack-async
- [X] amqp-basic-nack
- [X] amqp-basic-nack-async
- [X] Protocol
- [X] Basic.Get
- [X] Connection string
- [X] Parser tests
- [X] Query string tests
- [X] Printer
- [X] Connection parameters support via url query
- [X] Connection spec as list
- [X] Tests
- [X] Connections Pool
- [X] Implementation
- [X] Tests
- [X] Printer
- [X] Printer tests
- [-] Connection
- [X] handle server properties
- [ ] handle locales
- [ ] handle Connection.Tune
- [X] Heartbeats
- [X] support/implementation
- [X] tests
- [X] Channel id allocator
- [X] Tests
- [ ] SSL/TLS
- [ ] Support
- [ ] Tests
- [X] Print-objects for
- [X] connection spec
- [X] connection
- [X] connections pool
- [X] message
- [X] queue
- [X] channel
- [X] consumer
- [ ] Maybe add state slot[unsubsribed|active|cancelled] to Consumer Note read/write operations should be probably guarded with rw-lock