Web application to provide access to machine learning and other tools for assisting with membrane protein expression
The code for score calculation is handled by other codes (e.g. clemlab/IMProve)
FLASK_APP=webapp.py flask rq worker impweb-high impweb-med impweb-low
output visualization
- Table with outcomes
- wrt nycomps, ecoli datasets
- find metadata, run Pfam, see if exists in NYCOMPS, prerun
- Button to download spreadsheet with features, score, names, and sequences
- Javascript input santization? -- minimum length
- Accept uniprot id as input
- Run mmseqs to find coding sequences
- Would be cool to also provide scores from TMCrys method
- Find protein homologs and then coding sequences (seems like a bit of work)
- Recoding sequences (experimental)
- Pointing in sequence space (experimental)
- Should be fairly easy to finish up
Run all from CLI